wet vent

  1. Donny H

    Wet vent code help, please!

    Hello all, I'm building a new bathroom in my house on a homeowner's permit. I'm planning to use a wet vent with a lavatory, bath tub, then toilet, in that order from upstream to downstream. So the vent will come up through the ceiling in the wall behind the lavatory. I was planning to use...
  2. xasm

    Vertical Wet vent for toilet & shower?

    Hi Guys, Just want to say that this forum has certainly helped my knowledge quite a bit on plumbing codes here in Ontario. My questions relate to the wet venting for a toilet and shower for a 1st floor bathroom master reno add. It mainly pertains to the vertical drop allowance for the...
  3. paradoxum

    Wet venting toilet

    Greetings, Great forum. I'm in the midst of a basement bathroom reno. According to what I found on this forum and elsewhere I can wet vent the WC via a 2" pipe running to the sink if the toilet trap arm is within 72" of the vent. Now, is that distance to the vertical portion of the vent, or...
  4. Phil P.

    Basement bath DWV review

    Good morning all .. I'm back to TL for a quick (hopefully) consult on replumbing a basement bathroom. Tore out an old 1950 bath and all the cast-iron involved. THAT is a good day's work and really makes me appreciate the craftsmanship (and muscle strength) of the plumbing trade in 1950...
  5. Christian123

    Horizontal Pipe & 90s or Multiple 45s in Wet Vent

    Hey All, I have an old house where I am adding a 1st floor half bath, and laundry. I am looking to Wet Vent the toilet with a 2'' sink drain. Upon descending in to the basement this 2'' wet vent will have to turn 90 degrees to point out from the wall, then an use an additional (3) street 45's...
  6. BackwardsPTrap

    Wet Vent Takeoff Argument

    One thing I'm having a hard time finding information on is how to properly connect fixture drains to a wet vent. So many diagrams I see in books and online show a wet vent setup where fixture trap arms dump into the wet vent at a downward 45° angle. This doesn't make any sense to me. Isn't this...
  7. EOProps

    Bathroom wet vent/flat vent and toilet venting

    We are in the middle of a bathroom renovation and wanted to check in on whether the existing plumbing is installed correctly. We've uncovered some interesting things and bad shortcuts that were done over the years in this house and aren't sure if the current bathroom plumbing needs to be added...
  8. Matthewf

    Basement Toilet / Tub Venting

    I am looking for some assistance on how to correctly vent the bathroom I am putting into a basement. Below are some pictures of what I am proposing. Is this correct?
  9. Terry

    Reconfigure a bathroom, flipping the tub direction

    Sometimes you work on an older home that's been plumbed a few times. Last year I had replaced a tub for the home one door down from this one. A 60's home with some cast and some ABS. The existing waste to the toilet had the wrong grade on it. We decided to flip the tub drain location, fix the...
  10. Timothy Witt

    Wet Venting Clarifications

    Hey guys, thanks for the forum, it has helped me countless times. We have a question about wet venting. Every image in the plumbing codes we can find shows an offset toilet when wet venting. We want to know if there is any issue with connecting to a line directly underneath of the toilet. It...
  11. Ryanfornkohl

    Wet Vented Trap Arm Size?

    What size trap arm/drain is required for a tub/shower that has a trap arm length of 30"? The trap arm has 1.5 p-trap, runs 30" and dumps into stack. This line does not have its own vent, it is vented by the 4" stack. Reading 908.2 of 2006 UPC states, "Each wet-vented section shall be a...
  12. tropostudio

    Wet Vented Bathroom - why won't this work?

    I'm trying to get through plumbing rough-ins in a renovation of my old house, and am trying to understand why my inspector won't allow this horizontal wet vented bathroom group. Specifics: Have to follow 2015 MN Plumbing Code (UPC). No 2" trap arm that joins the wet vent portion of the drain...
  13. jba

    Wet Vent Redux and other questions

    Hi All, first time posting here but I've learned so much just browsing as a non-member. Thanks to Terry Love for hosting this site! Hope I won't be banned for life after this extended post! :-). Can anyone firm-up my knowledge of wet venting, specifically in King Co. WA (Seattle)? I think...
  14. tireiron

    Shower venting details/ dry run

    How does this set up look as far as venting the shower? Lower left is a long sweep 3 inch soil stack from upstairs bathroom above (vented straight out the roof on second floor). The 3 inch horizontal run drops vertically into the basement where it ties in to the cast iron (to the upper right)...
  15. ECCsimmons

    Wet venting layout for bathroom

    So I've been doing a full remodel of our bathroom given water damage from the last owners. I've gone down to the joists & studs. Now I'm looking at drainage/venting solutions. I've got a few plumbers coming by in the next few weeks, but wanted to get a broader range of opinions. I have a single...
  16. Nick H

    Bathroom Horizontal Wet Vent W Direction Change?

    I am remodeling a first floor Master Bedroom in Texas. The existing plumbing is buried 16-18" bellow the finished slab. There are two existing 3" branch lines connected to a 4" main exiting the home. (All shown as black lines). All turns will be gradual bends with Wye's (or combination...
  17. onelilypad

    Prepping DWV for Inspection

    We are up for a water test inspection of our addition. Since the entire 180 sq foot addition is a DIY, I want to confirm a few things (after spending hours on this forum!) before we jump into this: All of our underground plumbing is located within our slab foundation. Because of this, no test...
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