
  1. L

    Flow rate from Moen 2510 valve to low

    All i am looking to plumb in 2 shower heads of a Moen 2510 valve and want to run both at the same time, From a chart i found it looks like the shower port on the valve is rated for 4GPM and i need at least 5GPM (2.5gpm per head). I have read that the tub spout side can support 5gpm+/ Can i...
  2. A

    Shower to cast iron tub drain swap

    Howdy, I recently took on a job doing a house renovation and the owner had already taken the shower out and all I had to work with is the 2” threaded steel pipe with no floor around it. My question is What may be needed to put a kholer cast iron tub back in the same spot the shower was? The...
  3. S

    Proper waterproofing for new Shower

    I am a contractor, and have installed tile a few times, but not a plumber. Looking for suggestions on best construction methods for a new bath, including replacing the one-piece fiberglass tub/shower with a tiled shower. I would like to build the shower pan and tile it rather than purchase...
  4. S

    Help! What's this brand?

    I'm replacing a residential shower floor drain cover, and the threads for it are very slightly under 3", so regular replacements don't fit. I need to track down this manufacturer, does anyone recognize this brand/logo? Googled OIC and nothing came up!
  5. P

    Flush cut 2" lead pipe for shower drain

    Hey all, see TLDR for recap if my story is too long! I'm currently remodeling my downstairs bathroom which is in the basement so on concrete. House is from 76, looks like the previous 2" lead pipe was cut flush to slab, or even a little under flush. I am planning on using the kerdi drain kit...
  6. J

    No shower arm? How to install a new shower arm?

    So we went to Walmart and purchased a new shower head for our shower, and when we got home we realized that there wasn’t even a shower arm installed in the wall, they just screwed this shower head and secured it with a wire in place. How can we install a new shower arm so we can take a shower ...
  7. C

    Can I use a threaded adapter to replace an flow control piece on a tub spout to be able to connect an NPT fitting to it?

    I'm currently planning out a bathroom rebuild. One of the things I'd like to add is a better ability to bathe our dogs (GSD) indoors. The restricted flow in the hand shower heads means it takes forever to penetrate the dual coat. Outdoors this is easy; as I have a spray adapter that screws on...
  8. R

    Help! Pipe problem - tub to shower conversion

    Had to pull the tub out. It was the original 1970s tub and it had many cracks, it was squishy when you stepped on it. When I pulled it out I found that 1. The drain was not connected, so all the water was just dumping under the tub and into the hole in the ground. 2. The main drain pipe was...
  9. M

    Tub/Shower handle removal

    I have a Pegasus fixture that I can't get the handle off. I have removed the set screw, sprayed with lime-away, WD-40 and tapped wood wedges behind the handle to no avail. Am I missing something? I hate to force it too much and break something. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
  10. N

    Shower and toilet on same vertical drain?

    Is it OK for the shower to be on the same vertical drain/vent line as the toilet? Seems risky, if toilet clogs. Could back up into shower. But I can't figure out any other way to vent the shower. The shower line is the 2" blue one. The toilet stack is 3". My apologies if this is a...
  11. N

    Shower and toilet on same drain?

    I've read online that it's ok for the shower and toilet to be on the same vertical drain/vent pipe. Seems risky, if the toilet clogs. But I can't figure out any other way to drain/vent the shower. I've attached a file showing what I'm thinking of doing. The shower line is 2", the stack is...
  12. M

    Toilet/WC above Shower?

    I'm trying to get a wall hung toilet installed in my condo but my application got rejected because as I understand it, that the wet vented drain for the WC has to be at the same elevation or lower than other wet vented plumbing group fixtures such as the shower (I assume it is to prevent risk of...
  13. Y

    Navien NPE-240A2: No hot water in 1 shower

    Hey! Thanks in advance for taking a look at my post if it is being discussed elsewhere please let me know. My Navien NPE-240A2 has been working great for 2 years but over the last month has not been consistently providing hot water in 1 shower. There are no error codes. The other shower and all...
  14. B

    Water hammer

    Tub has American Standard single handle valve. There is a constant water hammer when water is on and handle is mixing hot and cold. There is no water hammer if the handle is allowing all cold or all hot. It’s only when mixing that i have the hammering. Could it be a bad faucet cartridge? The...
  15. mkeenan

    Replacement 3 hole bath valves for 1950s home

    Hello, I'm looking for some advice on replacing my bath valves and I'm not real sure where to start. I've actually already replaced these once 16 years ago, but the local parts store that I bought the parts from no longer sells them and I didn't keep the information. I'd like to replace the...
  16. keb21

    Shower drain not flush with pan. Possibly installed wrong?

    This drain has bothered me since we purchased our house (2020), but it’s never caused problems or been enough of a nuisance to check it out. Our shower drain does not sit flush with the lowest point in the pan so we get some pooling water around the edges. It looks to be about 3/16" higher than...
  17. T

    Moen Shower Faucet flow question

    I have a Adler Moen shower faucet. I just replaced the cartridge and set the scald guard to 12 o'clock (hopefully off). We have not been getting super hot water even though the DHW is set to 140. Thinking to test my scald settings, I left the cold water intake valve turned off and just turned...
  18. J

    Help me, I'm dumb (Delta shower cartridge issue)

    I need some help, I’ve exhausted everything I know and can’t figure this out. I’m trying to install a delta shower cartridge (MODEL#: RP46463) into r22000 valve body and no matter what I do the water just comes out full force from the shower head like the cartridge is turned fully on. I’ve...
  19. P

    Leak from swivel 90 in mobile home after shower arm broke

    So my shower arm ended up breaking (gotta love a plastic one) so I’m trying to replace it. I have a new mobile home specific shower arm like what was previously there and I almost have it fixed but the plastic drop ear 90 keeps leaking. Sometimes it’s just a drip, others it may be more of a...
  20. J

    Remove old shower faucet

    My shower tub is leaking, so I tried to get to the cartridge, but am stuck on how to remove the cover/housing at the cartridge. I believe it is Kohler. The photos show the center, and 2 of the cover. How do I remove the cover? It won't budge. Thanks for any comments.
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