sink drain

  1. Full Diaper

    Replacing strange bathroom sink drain, new drain assemblies not working, no info online.

    The old pop-up drain was rotted out from all the gunk and hard water, had to eventually cut the assembly in half with a sawzall due to the strainer nut not loosening, I really wanted to avoid doing this because I had never seen a setup like this one before. The strainer itself that sat in the...
  2. FlightRisk

    Where to cut to replace sink drain through floor?

    Replacing a double sink with a single. The previous install just butted connectors to each other with no space. I could use ideas of how to cut this and start at a good spot. One option is to cut between the top and lower tee and use a heat gun to pull out what is left of the sleeve. Then put a...
  3. T

    Is the plumbing for our sink fine?

    Is the plumbing for our sink ok? The remodeler had to move the drain higher after we installed a new wall mounted sink. I had a plumber tell me based on the photos below that the tee on the vent is lower than the trap so will cause it to siphon out. Then had another plumber look at it in...
  4. P

    sink bubbles back into air gap

    In my kitchen remodel, had pro plumber install new sink. It is deeper than previous sink - Ruvati RVH 8310. Dishwasher drain connected to sink drain pipe via air gap. When draining bubbly water from sink, I am having bubbles perculate back up into air gap. Water seems to be drain fine, but...
  5. C

    Bathroom Sink Venting Question

    Hello, I'm putting in a bathroom sink drain in Canada, Ontario. We had a plumber come in who told us there was no vent for this drain and it would cost a lot to install. We contacted another plumber, who said all we needed to do was install an AAV. I'm a little confused because it looks like...
  6. Kobieshow24

    Vanity sink drain nut wont come off

    the drain nut holding the sink to the vanity is a flat piece of round metal and has no indentions to be able to screw it off. I cannot seem to figure how to disconnect the drain flange metal tube from the sink. I have taken out the push up drain piece and its only the tube and top of the drain tube.
  7. CapMcC

    AAV Recommendations for a Tight Space

    I have a tight space in which I need to install an air admittance valve (AAV). The below image shows the back of the wall behind my bathroom sink that is competing with my nearby tub drain to see who can suck out the other's p-trap faster. From my review of IRC P3114, my options seem very...
  8. CodeMaster

    Garbage disposal in single bowl sink - too close to drain line

    Hi there, This is my first post here and I'm hopping someone can help me figure this out (I'm loosing sleep over it for 3 days already :confused: ) I replaced my sink as part of a kitchen remodel. I Went from a shallow double bowl sink to a single bowl 10 inches deep. To make matters worse...
  9. keb21

    Broken metal trap arm removal/install PVC P-trap

    Please bear with me - I am pretty handy but have limited plumbing experience! We just purchased a very old home to find lots of problems. Shortly after moving in, we realized our upstairs sink did not have a p-trap. The previous owners just connected the sink tail piece to the wall with a...
  10. JSwift

    Double kitchen sink slow draining after disposal trap installed.

    I have a dual kitchen sink with recently installed drain plumbing that is not draining slowly (pictures below). Prior to the new plumbing the AAV was about 10” above the top of the lateral line into the wall (where it goes to a 90° and into the slab). The disposal had no trap, it was a straight...
  11. IndyDave

    Lowering sink drain/installing disposal

    Hi - we are replacing our kitchen sink with an undermount that is deeper. Based on the difference in depth, I will need to lower the outlet at the wall and have a few questions: 1) When I lower the sanitary tee (probably around 3-4 inches) am I ok to just use a Fernco connection above the tee to...
  12. Obi Ogunjobi

    Basement Sink Installation - Indirect Waste Plumbing

    Hello, I am working on adding a wet bar in my basement and have ran into some plumbing questions for proper installation. I have a floor drain near the utilities equipment which connects to the sanitary sewer and am wanting to plumb the new sink drain into it due to proximity. I don't want to...
  13. Lonnie

    Bathtub filling with AC condensate water

    Let me apologize in advance... I have a tendency to write long posts and I'm pretty sure this one will be no exception. About a week and a half ago, I noticed a dripping sound between the common wall for my master bathroom and guest bathroom (which we never use because the toilet needs to be...
  14. Roadman33

    Sink drain plumbed with kitchenette???

    Have a look at this pic and tell me what's wrong...Please...and what would be up to code THis is a bath sink drain. the pipe coming through the wall on the left is coming from a kitchenette sink onthe other side of the wall... I just want to know if there is any way in hell that is code, if not...
  15. adulting

    Push button sink drain stuck closed

    I have a push button bathroom sink drain that is stuck down. (way down, about 1/4" below the outer ring) I can not get it to release, and can not get it to unscrew while depressed. The drain and sink are only about 4 months old. Is there a way to fix this? Or do I need to replace the whole...
  16. stnaxe

    Pedestal sink drain repair

    Just replaced an old leaking faucet on a pedestal sink and dislodged the drain body which is now leaking at the joint from the sink drain to the pipe. This is impossible for me to get access to and I can not hand tighten the nut. Is it possible to remove the pedestal base without removing the...
  17. Doug H

    Basement Laundry and sink remodel

    Have an old house, galvanized pipe drains and vents. Redoing laundry area where vent extends straight up from near floor drain across window. Framed wall and want to bring to 2" drain code, add standpipe for washer and move laundry tub to area where old vent extends. See pic. Will the assembly...
  18. Diego

    Water not flowing once I put the trap part on the sink pipes, help?

    I live in an apartment and I really would like to not call my landlord for this problem. Days ago the sink began to drain water very slowly, until yesterday it kinda stopped draining it. I tried lots of grease cleaners, removed all pipes and cleaned them and they dont seem like the problem. When...
  19. ngmtl

    In Double Vanity Drain Challenges

    Ran into a couple issues while testing out the drain configuration I came up with for a double vanity retrofit (Note: I had to make the decision early on to split the waste line in the vanity as opening up the plumbing wall to get dedicated lines into the stack was not practical [shared wall...
  20. Jim G -DIY

    Is this still considered an S trap?

    Hello all, I am a long time lurker with a great appreciation for the knowledge on this forum. Most of the time my questions and concerns have been addressed by others but I thought I would ask about a situation on my home remodeling project. I had a plumber rough in a drain for an sink in my...
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