
  1. I

    Low pressure & flow problem

    I've been experiencing low water pressure and flow. I started checking it over the last few weeks. Pressure fluctuates but it usually hovers between 12 and 24 PSI. Flow also fluctuates. The best I've measured is 1.5 GPM, but that's rare. It's been as low as almost 0.5 GPM at times. I let...
  2. Nay

    Low water pressure after remodel

    Hello. I had to change my entire shower and I put a shutoff valve on the cold and hot water lines. They stayed off (and uncapped- I only recently learned about caps) for just over 2 months. The line goes bathroom sink-> shower-> kitchen sink. Ever since I put the shut off valves on, the water...
  3. Kevin Boggs

    Basement Sink Additions

    Evening gentlemen and ladies. I recently added a utility sink, on the unfinished side of our basement, and just finished adding a bar sink, on the finished side. The house is newer construction and uses CPVC for all the supply lines. I branched off the 3/4 inch going to and coming from the hot...
  4. ari

    Splitting and merging supply lines

    Hi, first off, I'd like to thank this forum for all the plumbing advice I've read as a guest. I haven't been able to find an answer to this particular question so I finally joined. I am making a heat exchanger for my shower trap arm. I have a 2" section of copper drain pipe that I want to coil...
  5. Giovannip

    I have a stupid question about flow rate

    Hey everyone, I have a small plumbing shop in southern CA. Regarding single family detached residence . Municipal city water supply, no well water involved. I keep noticing inch and a quarter pressure regulators installed from the builder, BUT the water meter is only 1 inch. I have also...
  6. Greg814

    Installing new PRV valve

    So I'm installing a new prv valve. My old one had failed and I had no flow. What would be the best way to attach the prv to pvc since it has metal threads. I've read where its best to try and avoid plastic to metal threads. I'm just a diy'er. Also where would be the best place to install a ball...
  7. jbehr4x4

    Causing a Drop in Water Pressure

    Hi. I have a plumbing question. I have never posted a plumbing question before but this seemingly simple problem has me lost. I have recently noticed very low water pressure in sinks and external hose bibs. I have great pressure for the first 20 seconds, basically until the expansion tank on...
  8. JSA112233

    Question about toilet vent in regards to flow.

    Two questions really. First is prolly simple but since im new to plumbing really i would like to confirm. Does the vent for the toilet need to be in "front" of it or "behind" it. I ask this simple question because the toilet really cant pull air if the vent is in front of the toilet flow right...
  9. William Rhodes

    Storage Tank_Galvanized Supply

    I have a galvanized supply line showing it's age. I understand it needs to be replaced, but don't have the funds for an immediate fix (runs under retaining wall, under neighbors patio by way of easement over 100yds from my house). I have great pressure, but flow falls off when more than one...
  10. theunit

    .5" PEX ability to supply multiple shower heads

    Hi all - Thanks for your insights previously and taking a look at this post. I have read several other, similar posts that deal with this issue, but thought it would be beneficial to share my particular situation with a photo. Appreciate any thoughts you have or your experience if you have a...
  11. .Nolan.

    Sharkbite physics

    I'm going to be replacing my leaking water main valve, and I'd like to use a sharkbite fitting. I notice the slip joint ball valves (part# 24735LF) do not have the interior white nylon collar (see first picture) that the straight ball valve does (part # 22222-0000LF). What is the purpose of...
  12. Torque

    Fleck 9100SXT - Flow Indicator Intermittently Blinking

    I have a Fleck 9100SXT Metered Dual Tank Softener - 64,000 Grain per tank. The water flow indicator(water drop) is intermittently blinking and showing flow(roughly shows flow for about 5s every 2 minutes). Entering the FR menu, the flow varies from 0.1 -0.3, again always lasting no more than a...
  13. BarkityBark

    Fix for Delta shower hot water problems?

    I have 2 single-handle Delta shower controls in two showers in my house and neither one regulates the hot water correctly. I've cleaned and changed out the valves (RP19804), but this did not solve the problems. In one shower, pure hot water will not come out of the shower head (it only gets...
  14. Dale Johnson

    Slab leak? If so, what's next?

    Appreciate your time in advance: Situation: My plumbing IQ is low, live in Cleveland in a large 97 year old house, yesterday morning a water main break hit our area - 24 hours later and it's not fixed, yesterday temperatures quickly elevated above freezing thawing several inches of snow/ice...
  15. cpo1

    Flow required to properly blow out sprinkler system

    I've been investigating the winterizing requirements for a home sprinkler system. There are many articles referencing CFM and PSI. What seems to be often missing is how much CFM flow is required and what are the maximum and minimum PSI requirements. For 1" polyethylene main pipe 50 PSI seems to...
  16. tropostudio

    Target flow, tube size, and head loss question

    Working through the math for system flow, tube sizing, and head loss has me a bit stumped. I get the math and know that the formula for heat transfer is an, but here's an example that illustrates my issues: Say I have a level in the house that has a 15,000 BTUh design load (99% design temp of...
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