Toto Neorest 500
The Toto Neorest 500 by TOTO, has a warm seat, warm water wash, warm air dry and a deodorizer fan.
The flush is by a pump powered jet, and the rinse is a double cyclone, with two outlets with water at the upper part of the rim.
It's a quiet flush and a thorough rinse.
A wireless remote can be installed on the wall, or picked up and used that way too. In case someone walks away with the remote, there are also side buttons on the toilet.
The Neorest has a MANUAL OVERRIDE flush if you lose power.
Some of the controls under the cover.
By the way, TOTO also makes micro chips.
When you walk up to the toilet, the lip opens up.
After you leave, the lid closes.
It takes an adapter that holds two bolts at the back, and a block that receives a screw at the front.
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