Let me start by saying I've been scouring the web to try and figure out what to do for my water situation. Only finding bits and pieces that pertain to me I thought it best to just lay out my situation and see if I could get answers here. I am CLEARLY not a plumber so I'll lay out as much information as I have and hope someone can help.
I live in Southern Vermont. I recently had a home built and had to dig 2 wells, the 1st over 500 feet deep caved in on itself so a 2nd had to be drilled nearly 600 feet from the house. The 2nd well is 267 feet deep with 265 feet of casing (6") the static water level is 28' and it yields 30 gpm.
As soon as we hooked it up to the house it was evident we have an iron problem so I recently had the water tested. Results as follows:
Total Coliform: negative
Color: <5
Turbidity: 34
Odor: none detected
PH: 6.4
Conductivity: 495
Alkalinity, Tot (CaCO3): 174
Hardness as CaCO3, Total: 179
Nitrate as N: .01
Iron: 3.10
Manganese: .39
Chloride: 42
Sulfate: 16
From the data above I am trying to figure out what type "system" will be best to serve my house. I'm looking for a whole house filtration system to take care of all the issues.
I have spent the last week searching out the different options to remove the iron and think I've landed on the Katalox Light medium but would like some guidance as to how large a system would be needed and any other necessities to make it work exceptionally well.
I researched how to figure out my flow rate and have the following information. One website said to run my water until the pressure pump "clicked" start a stopwatch and run the water again until it clicked a second time. I did this twice and got 17 seconds each time. It then said to fill up gallon containers until it clicked again...I filled up slightly under 2.5 gallons. I do not however know how to convert this into the flow rate, but hopefully someone here will
Some websites stated that if I used Katalox Light I may or may not need a way to oxidize the iron before going through the system. Some say that a holding tank with added chemicals (peroxide or chlorine) to give the iron time to become ferric (I hope I'm using the correct form) before it should go through the filter is necessary. Others say it is not. Some indicate using an air injection system is the way to go, others say it doesn't give enough time for the iron to oxidize, while others complain it adds too much air to system and there are better ways. What I'm hoping for is a complete iron removal down to nothing. If your suggestion is to add chlorine or peroxide, will adding a water softener (since I am only 1 grain away from "very hard" water anyway), remove the chlorine?
With my PH being only 6.4 the Katalox states it will be effective but most websites said it's too low and will hurt my plumbing system if I don't use a neutralizer (soda ash?) Others say once it's gone through the filtration the PH often raises to acceptable levels if it's not TOO LOW from the beginning. Thoughts?
Almost all sites I visited said I should add a reverse osmosis filter at the kitchen sink if I'm going to use a softener at all, so I assume this will be the recommendation here as well, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me your thoughts on:
A. What components of this system are completely necessary for my situation.
B. What order should they be installed (I'm certainly not going to be attempting this myself....I'd just like a guideline for the local plumber)
C. What "size" system will I need.
I should probably mention there are 2 full time residents in the house. 3 kids come every other weekend and we have a dishwasher and washing machine. 2 full Bathrooms.
Any help would be so greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your time and knowledge.
I live in Southern Vermont. I recently had a home built and had to dig 2 wells, the 1st over 500 feet deep caved in on itself so a 2nd had to be drilled nearly 600 feet from the house. The 2nd well is 267 feet deep with 265 feet of casing (6") the static water level is 28' and it yields 30 gpm.
As soon as we hooked it up to the house it was evident we have an iron problem so I recently had the water tested. Results as follows:
Total Coliform: negative
Color: <5
Turbidity: 34
Odor: none detected
PH: 6.4
Conductivity: 495
Alkalinity, Tot (CaCO3): 174
Hardness as CaCO3, Total: 179
Nitrate as N: .01
Iron: 3.10
Manganese: .39
Chloride: 42
Sulfate: 16
From the data above I am trying to figure out what type "system" will be best to serve my house. I'm looking for a whole house filtration system to take care of all the issues.
I have spent the last week searching out the different options to remove the iron and think I've landed on the Katalox Light medium but would like some guidance as to how large a system would be needed and any other necessities to make it work exceptionally well.
I researched how to figure out my flow rate and have the following information. One website said to run my water until the pressure pump "clicked" start a stopwatch and run the water again until it clicked a second time. I did this twice and got 17 seconds each time. It then said to fill up gallon containers until it clicked again...I filled up slightly under 2.5 gallons. I do not however know how to convert this into the flow rate, but hopefully someone here will
Some websites stated that if I used Katalox Light I may or may not need a way to oxidize the iron before going through the system. Some say that a holding tank with added chemicals (peroxide or chlorine) to give the iron time to become ferric (I hope I'm using the correct form) before it should go through the filter is necessary. Others say it is not. Some indicate using an air injection system is the way to go, others say it doesn't give enough time for the iron to oxidize, while others complain it adds too much air to system and there are better ways. What I'm hoping for is a complete iron removal down to nothing. If your suggestion is to add chlorine or peroxide, will adding a water softener (since I am only 1 grain away from "very hard" water anyway), remove the chlorine?
With my PH being only 6.4 the Katalox states it will be effective but most websites said it's too low and will hurt my plumbing system if I don't use a neutralizer (soda ash?) Others say once it's gone through the filtration the PH often raises to acceptable levels if it's not TOO LOW from the beginning. Thoughts?
Almost all sites I visited said I should add a reverse osmosis filter at the kitchen sink if I'm going to use a softener at all, so I assume this will be the recommendation here as well, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me your thoughts on:
A. What components of this system are completely necessary for my situation.
B. What order should they be installed (I'm certainly not going to be attempting this myself....I'd just like a guideline for the local plumber)
C. What "size" system will I need.
I should probably mention there are 2 full time residents in the house. 3 kids come every other weekend and we have a dishwasher and washing machine. 2 full Bathrooms.
Any help would be so greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your time and knowledge.