Jesse Okiror
First-time homeowner
I had an island loop installed with my kitchen reno. I opened the vent side cleanout and water poured out. Then there was standing water up to level of the cleanout. So the vent side of the loop isn’t draining. The drain side is draining though. This shouldn’t be possible if the loop was done right.
The plumber came to look at it but I wasn’t home. He said he left his testing plug in there when he installed the loop and that he took it out so it should be fine. Sure enough the water was gone when I got home. But when I poured in a bunch of water in the vent cleanout to check, the vent pipe filled up again and the water is just sitting in there.
What could be problem?
The plumber came to look at it but I wasn’t home. He said he left his testing plug in there when he installed the loop and that he took it out so it should be fine. Sure enough the water was gone when I got home. But when I poured in a bunch of water in the vent cleanout to check, the vent pipe filled up again and the water is just sitting in there.
What could be problem?