I need help updating my system.
Here is a summary of my well water:
PH: 8.5
Hardness 183 ppm (about 11)
Phosphate 2260 ppb
Iron: 0
Alkalinity: 349
Sulpher smell (rotten egg)
Tannin 0.6
cyanuric acid 2 ppm
TDS 460
I currently have 2 - 120 gallon holding tanks with a chlorinator to get rid of the sulphur smell, a sediment filter, a carbon filter and a Mark 89 as a water softner. (in order of water filtration) (all pipes are 3/4)
The Sediment filter control broke and the local company wants to charge me $2,500 (to replace the controller and rebed the three filters). The system is 11 years old and was a refurbished when first installed. (the last owners pad for this system)
I want to modernize my system and I was hoping at getting some professional neutral advice on this thread. Locally, I've received a lot of different advice and costs ranging from $2,500 (above) to $15,000.
I'm very handy and would do this myself.
Thanks for your help.
I need help updating my system.
Here is a summary of my well water:
PH: 8.5
Hardness 183 ppm (about 11)
Phosphate 2260 ppb
Iron: 0
Alkalinity: 349
Sulpher smell (rotten egg)
Tannin 0.6
cyanuric acid 2 ppm
TDS 460
I currently have 2 - 120 gallon holding tanks with a chlorinator to get rid of the sulphur smell, a sediment filter, a carbon filter and a Mark 89 as a water softner. (in order of water filtration) (all pipes are 3/4)
The Sediment filter control broke and the local company wants to charge me $2,500 (to replace the controller and rebed the three filters). The system is 11 years old and was a refurbished when first installed. (the last owners pad for this system)
I want to modernize my system and I was hoping at getting some professional neutral advice on this thread. Locally, I've received a lot of different advice and costs ranging from $2,500 (above) to $15,000.
I'm very handy and would do this myself.
Thanks for your help.