Zane Bridgers
About 5 years ago, we dropped our own 10gpm 2HP well pump 460' (thanks to the help of valveman and others on this forum) only to hit bottom before we could install the last 20' of drop pipe. Realizing we'd been shorted by the driller, we struggled to pull the pump back up about 10-15' before compromising and setting it. The well was tested at 18gpm, 360' static, feeding two houses.
Since then we have had variable amounts of sediment seasonally, and sometimes seemingly at random. It is especially bad when the well is run hard, clogging our 100 mesh spin-down filter to the point of losing water pressure. Sometimes there's as little as a 1/4 cup of sediment after a couple months, other times there's a full cup after just a few days of running lots of water. Here's what I've been considering...
1. ($$$) Hire a professional to life the pump another 10'
2. ($$) Install a Lakos SandMaster 10gpm unit upstream of the pressure tank for ~$600 -
3. ($$) Install a water heater as a sedimentation tank before the pressure tank (steering away from this since I don't want all our drinking water going through a water heater long term)
4. ($) Install a 2" Rusco Spin-down Filter with no filter element before the pressure tank (I've heard they still work to drop out heavier sediment without the filter screen) -
In all the above cases, I also plan to add an additional 60 mesh spin-down after the pressure tank and a couple 4.5x20" whole house sediment filters, 20 + 5 micron
I am looking for a lasting solution, but also plan to upgrade the pressure tank and switch, and would prefer not the break the bank on unnecessary equipment.
Thanks so much in advance! Hopefully this can help others down the line...
About 5 years ago, we dropped our own 10gpm 2HP well pump 460' (thanks to the help of valveman and others on this forum) only to hit bottom before we could install the last 20' of drop pipe. Realizing we'd been shorted by the driller, we struggled to pull the pump back up about 10-15' before compromising and setting it. The well was tested at 18gpm, 360' static, feeding two houses.
Since then we have had variable amounts of sediment seasonally, and sometimes seemingly at random. It is especially bad when the well is run hard, clogging our 100 mesh spin-down filter to the point of losing water pressure. Sometimes there's as little as a 1/4 cup of sediment after a couple months, other times there's a full cup after just a few days of running lots of water. Here's what I've been considering...
1. ($$$) Hire a professional to life the pump another 10'
2. ($$) Install a Lakos SandMaster 10gpm unit upstream of the pressure tank for ~$600 -
3. ($$) Install a water heater as a sedimentation tank before the pressure tank (steering away from this since I don't want all our drinking water going through a water heater long term)
4. ($) Install a 2" Rusco Spin-down Filter with no filter element before the pressure tank (I've heard they still work to drop out heavier sediment without the filter screen) -
In all the above cases, I also plan to add an additional 60 mesh spin-down after the pressure tank and a couple 4.5x20" whole house sediment filters, 20 + 5 micron
I am looking for a lasting solution, but also plan to upgrade the pressure tank and switch, and would prefer not the break the bank on unnecessary equipment.
Thanks so much in advance! Hopefully this can help others down the line...