My son is in a band, and the drummers day job is painting. His boss was cleaning up his equipment in the garage when the fumes exploded, blowing him through the closed garage door with burns all over his body.
He had plugged in an electrical cord and it sparked.
There is a lot of stuff that happens in construction that never makes the news. We sometimes make jokes, but it's not news if it happens to construction workers.
I was working with a guy that saw two of his buddies buried in concrete during a pour on one of the big hydro dams. The men had fallen and the other workers were ordered to keep pouring. More things happen then you realize.
I think compensation for a loped off hand is something like $15,000
New home construction is permitted and inspected. They try to keep things safe.
We wouldn't be allowed to run PVC for a relief line. And we couldn't trap it either. It is the permits and the inspections that prevent a lot of this. But do we come across bad stuff? Sometimes. Like the heater that flew 400 feet through air in the Seattle area that did make the news, someone had plugged a leaking T&P.