Blocking Tiny Ants in Well Cap

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In my recent sanitizing, I found I had a colony of tiny ants living under the well cap. Might have been going down the well for water. Don't know.

After killing stuff as part of sanitizing, I was not sure how they were traveling.
1. Thru the vent screen
2. Under the cap edge
3. Thru the plastic 1 inch conduit.

I got some Gardner Bender Duct Seal. This is similar to child's modeling clay, but maybe softer. This is non-hardening
I shoved it intensively down the conduit. I made a bead around where the cap would mate to use as a caulk.

I had ordered some 100 mesh stainless steel mesh. That has 100 x 100 wires, or 10000 holes per square inch. Dang that is fine. In retrospect I would have ordered 80 mesh or 60 mesh. I had the 100 now, so I used it.

I estimate the original mesh might have been 20 mesh. The hole with the screen is 0.636 inch diameter ( 16.15 mm }. A dime is 17.91 mm. I used a dime as sort of a template to cut out a rough circle. I knew I wanted the disk to be a little under dime-sized. Then I pressed that into place with a suitable diameter hose piece I had. Came out well-- as if it were manufactured that way.

If you look at the fine screen in the photo, you can see the original screen that is still in place below the new screen. You can also see some green from the grass a foot down.


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