Philip Tan
New Member
We have a GE SuperSoft 39 that the previous homeowner had purchased new (in 2000!) but never installed. When we purchased the home two years ago, I installed it and it’s done a great job since then. Starting several weeks ago our water wasn’t as soft as usual. A week after this started, I cleaned the nozzle and Venturi assembly as the manual advises on page 14 (the screen was fairly clogged with sediment). However, I’m still not getting good suction during brine draw. I understand that it should draw about a gallon every few minutes, but it’s only drawing about a pint every three minutes, and after a full cycle the water level in the brine tank remains higher than it should (adding about a foot each cycle).
Things I’ve tested so far (mostly based on reading dozens of other threads in this forum):
Manual here:
Things I’ve tested so far (mostly based on reading dozens of other threads in this forum):
- Cleaned the nozzle/Venturi (under the large grey screw cap) carefully and ensured the holes in the flow plugs are clear and the O-ring is tight (with a little Vaseline as recommended).
- Cleaned it again after more cycles to ensure there wasn't further sediment (there wasn't).
- Tested brine draw from a separate bucket containing only water; behavior is the same as when drawing from brine well (very slow draw).
- Unscrewed the tubing to the brine well from the Venturi assembly (going from the left in the photo) and placed finger over opening to feel whether the Venturi is creating suction (it is, though I’m assuming it should be stronger).
- Blew and sucked through the tubing to ensure that it’s clear and that I can slurp up water from the brine well.
- Replaced the tubing and valve/float assembly with a new piece of plain tubing coming directly from the Venturi assembly to a bucket of water. When I do this, the draw rate is the same (a pint every three minutes), which seems to indicate the problem isn’t caused by a crack in the original tubing or a bad connection.
- Ensured the float can move up and down properly.
- System discharge rate to the drain is about 0.3 gal/min during brine draw, exactly what my manual says it should be; I think this eliminates the possibility of a clogged drain line.
- No salt bridges present; only about half a bag of salt left at the bottom of the brine tank.
- Model GXSF39B, serial MZ101433A.
- How do I know whether the suction I am feeling from the Venturi is sufficient?
- If it’s not creating sufficient suction, what could the problem be if I’ve cleaned and assembled the Venturi assembly carefully? Could there be a clog further back underneath the Venturi? If the system discharge rate is what it should be, does that eliminate other mechanical components as candidates?
- If the Venturi is creating sufficient suction, could there be any explanation for why I’m not drawing at the valve end other than a hairline crack or insufficiently tight seal where the tubing connects to the Venturi assembly? I'm fairly certain that's not the problem.
Manual here: