American Cadet Pro: What Would You Do?

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Washington State
During the pandemic, I managed to make minor successful repairs to our three aged Crane 1.6 gal toilets, but now they’re going down in rapid succession.

Because our 1/2 bath is tiny and so am I, I went with the American Standard Cadet Pro Round standard height toilet and have been very pleased except for a mark on the tank lid. Amazing flush after living with 29-year-old Cranes.

Shortly after, our master bathroom’s Crane started leaking from the base, so we had to scramble to get another toilet and ordered the Cadet Pro again. I might have ordered a Toto 776 series toilet, but I was concerned it would arrive broken and it might be too long for our 5’ wide bathroom.

I noticed two issues after my plumber’s apprentice left. The bowl’s water spot is really poorly cast with one section having bumps and a small seam.

The other issue is that the tank is filled with tiny bubbles. I adjusted the Fluidmaster screw while I was in there because the water level was too high. After a day, bubbles are still there. The refill seems slower than the other Cadet, but this toilet has a 1/4 turn angle stop while the other doesn’t.

What do you think might be causing the bubbles?

Would you return this toilet and install a new one?

My husband just wants to leave it in place since we plan to remodel this bathroom in the next year or two. I just don’t want another toilet leaking; I’m the main home repair person here.

Any advice is appreciated.
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Licensed plumbing contractor
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San Francisco Bay Area
The bubbles I'm sure have a scientific explanation but have nothing to do with plumbing, nor that specific WC so I will leave it at that.
American Std. quality of casting and glaze certainly has more flaws than I like also. I even wonder if the Home Depot kits are especially given "B" or near-"B" grade proof. But, you state that you have the "Pro" series Cadet, which comes from plumbing supply shops and should be the best available.
I own and continue to recommend the Cadet 3 Flow-Wise which is comfort-height, but you say you only want standard height. My wife is only 5' 3" and we have all Comfort Height (aka ADA) and she has no issues.
We would always inspect all plumbing fixtures with extreme scrutiny before installing.
I would be annoyed if a customer asked me, after the fact to pull a toilet, but you certainly are justified to ask for a different one.


New Member
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Washington State
Thank you, Breplum! I’m glad to hear the air bubbles likely aren’t a problem.

I would never have my main plumber remove and replace it without me paying him again. I think we just all missed the bowl’s interior because it was dusty when we took it out of the box, he was having his apprentice install, and my plumber and I were talking about other stuff.

My husband and I did indeed order it from Home Depot. I wanted to order and pick up from Ferguson, but we took a short cut (20 minutes to HD vs. over an hour to Ferguson). I am thinking I will order from Ferguson next time provided I can convince my husband it’s worth it.

To their credit, my local HD said they would take it back even after it was installed and without the box. I think Ferguson only takes products back uninstalled and in original packaging.

If the toilet functions fine, maybe we can just replace the bowl when we renovate. The flush is great.

I’m 5’ 1.5” with short shins, so I struggle with my friend’s ADA height toilet unless I’m in my clogs. :)
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Active Member
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I would keep the toilet for now. If it works fine and it isn't causing any issues, I'd just live with it and replace it whenever you redo the bathroom.
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