LOVE Plumbing & Remodel, of Bellevue & Bothell WA
kitchen, bath, faucets, toilets, water heaters,
 repair, remodel, advice faq & tips,



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Terry Love's Report on low-flow toilets

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Terry Love

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Bidet seats on sale!
a perfect gift

Bath Remodel
Information on bath remodel
Kitchen Remodel
pages and pages of information
Replacing pipes
Information on pipes
Products and Services
faucet info, services
Advertisements I've run
Fun to read
Jobs I've done
a picture book of jobs
Replacing water heaters
Specs to replace water heaters
The #1 rated toilet!
The Toto Ultramax 1.6 gallon with the G-Max flush
frequently asked  questions
Questions related to Plumbing
Links to other sites
Appliances, Plumbers on the web, Seattle area cities, Home improvement, etc.



Terry Love
All you need is Love

Save time, and money. I'm Terry Love, owner of Love Plumbing & Remodel. I've created this web site to to save you time and money.  Inside these pages you will find expert advice on plumbing and remodel projects. 
Terry Love's Report on low-flow toilets

The Dot.Com that informs and saves you money
To order Plumbing Services and products

DIY Forums

Ever on the lookout for Northwest architectural ideas for my website, imagine my pleasure at being invited to the Gates Mansion to see some of the innovative plumbing. Expectations high, Mr. Microsoft himself met me at the door.   
the Gates Mansion story

Popular places to go here are the bathroom page, kitchen page. #1 rated toilet. 

Terry Love

  Toilets repaired and replaced
Water heaters
Kitchen sinks and faucets
Replace outside faucets
Fix leaks

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