Terry Love
LOVE Plumbing & Remodel®
12108 NE 163rd St
Bothell WA 98011
(425) 649-LOVE
Terry Love has been in the plumbing industry since 1974. His web-site
reflects the experience and interests that he has developed during his career. Like
many plumber's first beginnings in plumbing, he worked in new construction, homes and
condos. Then came the graduation to commercial jobs, large and small. Sandwiched in
between were stints building custom homes, accounting for plumbing firms, CAD drafting and
Terry Love
A father of three children Amy, Jamie
and Taylor.
His web site consists of four general areas:
Plumbing & Remodel Forums
Kitchen remodel
Bath remodel
His idea is to provide homeowners with information concerning costs,
specifications and
articles on what to look for in these home construction projects.
loveplumbing@comcast.net  |