maintaince is maintaince
srdenny said:
Heat exchanger maintenance is made quite simple by using the Webstone "Isolator" valve kit when installing a tankless. Two buckets, a bottle of CLR, a couple of old washing machine hoses and a small pump and the job of cleaning the exchanger is accomplished in 10 minutes by the cabaña boy.
anyone who would pay 6 + grand to have a tankless water heater is
literally out of their minds......LOL
when you could put a normal 50 gallon gas heater in for around
1000 with a 10 year warranty, and never have to touch it again
you willl NEVER recoup your 6000 investment......
I sell people a LIFETIME gas 50 gallon installed for $1800.....
and if you put a blanket on it ,
and or a bi-metal heat baffle in the chimmney
I would venture to guess it is much more
efficinet than the tankless unit....
if you can get that kind of money from soneone,
more power to you, I guess...
but someone still has to do the maintaince occasioinally
and it probably will be ignored by
the customer untill it is in very dire need of service.....
I dont know what a cabana boy makes per hour,
but if you send a plumber out to the home its gonna be a min of $150
to de-lime that unit.....and that is the only fella I would allow to
touch my 6,000 dollar investment....
now how often should this $6000 tankless unit be serviced???
but I suppose if someone is crazy enough to pay 6,000 for a tankless
what is $150 twice a year mean to them anyway???