I appreciate the info. Yeah, that makes more sense on the lower panel. Thank You for the correction. Based on that, it should mean that between the internal and external heat pump units the maximum is 80amps (the external CB DP 30, internal CB DP 50). I don't trust the AC guys that did the install because they lied on some things and you can see from the panel they are the ones that used the wire nuts rather than getting longer wire. So, maybe those will need to be corrected in the future. I'm guessing it's a 200amp panel but I don't know, someone correct me if I'm wrong. I will put a larger panel in eventually, but it may be at least 6 months. I may start by putting sub-panels in the rooms. Over the years, there seems to have been some strange wiring done. So it wouldn't hurt to redo it all. Besides some computers and a stereo, I don't draw much. I'll try and figure it out. Tips for that would be appreciated.
Currently with the upper CB the maximum draw for the house (with your correction) is 280 but it's probably a 200amp panel or possibly 150, I'll try to look it up some more. Can the size of the incoming wires be used to determine which panel between those two. I don't .
The bottom can only take 50 max, and I've moved the dryer CB there; so the worse thing the dryer can do is maximize that 50amps or trip the breaker, right? So the only other thing that could be a problem is the stove. For me, currently, I can not use the stove when any hot water is running. I rarely use it anyway. Normally, I use a small airfryer. That only leaves the 30amp for the external heat pump unit . So 280 for all possible CB (forgetting the max of the panel at 200 or 150) minus 50 for the stove leaves 230 including the new HW heater. So, it's maximum overage if the panel is 200 is the 30 amps. I think, if I don't run the dryer, I'll probably be okay, but I will double check before leaving the new HW circuit breakers switched on. I'll try to calculate my draws (amperage), and I'll check on what exactly the incoming wires are (to the panel). I'm thinking those and the two bars are what might be the limitations (in other words the panel); now if it's 150 watt panel it was overloaded before. I will also try and what the maximum amperage is for the external heat pump unit.
I appreciate all the help. At, least I know where I'm about at now. I will try and find all the information, I talked about, including the panel.