Softener as Iron Filter with KL?

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Northville, MI
Hi All,

I am a new homeowner with a well, move in date is in three weeks. An inspection of the equipment revealed that the softener is severely restricting flow to the home. While the softener is inline the faucets had very low pressure, and when bypassed the pressure was more than acceptable. The hardness is 462 ppm and the Iron is 2 ppm. There is also a noticeable rotten egg smell, both hot and cold lines. I suspect the Kenmore softener is somehow fouled with iron. There is an abandoned iron filter in the corner of the utility room so I think iron is/was a problem. My long term plan is to get a comprehensive water analysis and install an appropriate system. This will likely be in the several thousand dollar range and considering the new home purchase cash is limited at the moment.

In the short term, I was wondering if I could replace the resin with Katalox Light. KL seems to be the best choice because of it ability to remove iron and H2S. The resin tank is 9" x 42" (.44 ft^2). If my math is right, 1 ft^3 of KL would give 35% freeboard and 27 inches of bed depth. This is lower than the minimum of 29.5 inches. Also, it would require 4.4 gpm backwash according to the data sheet (or 6.6 gpm according to some threads here). I am confident that rate can be achieved but will measure once we have access to the home.

Am I missing something fundamental regarding water softener operation and/or the capabilities of KL?



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Also, it would require 4.4 gpm backwash according to the data sheet (or 6.6 gpm according to some threads here). I am confident that rate can be achieved but will measure once we have access to the home.
You are confident that you can make that Kenmore softener backwash at 6 GPM? I don't know what that controller could do. Unless you have some info on that unit, I would doubt that. It is possible, but I think you would be a pioneer.
I will note that you have done your study, and you may pull it off.

I don't know if you can adjust the cycles. You might be able to use the brining stage to rinse the KL with chlorine solution during backwash to help regen.

Another option is to replace the resin in the softener, and do the steps to clean up the iron as you go. Maybe use special iron treating softenersalt. Maybe use Resup. Maybe clean with Super Iron Out regularly... But that does not help H2S.

Well and system sanitizing might help the H2S a lot. The first line of has a link to a nice sanitizing article, but then I go into my possibly-overkill extension.

I like kit 90 from

I am not a pro.


New Member
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Northville, MI

Thanks for the quick response. So this is where my ignorance of the fundamental operations of the system is apparent :) I was assuming the backwash gpm would be limited by the well pump and associated piping. Based on your comment, the limiting factor is likely the controller or other hardware. Unfortunately I don't have any more info on the softener other than the brand name. When I get into the home I will get more info and report back. For my education, is the controller backwash rate defined by BLFC? It appears that in some brands this can be tuned to the system requirements by replacing the "button".


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When I get into the home I will get more info and report back. For my education, is the controller backwash rate defined by BLFC? It appears that in some brands this can be tuned to the system requirements by replacing the "button".
The DLFC (Drain Line Flow Control) is what controls the backwash rate in a non-cabinet softener, although the controller could have limitations itself. It may be the same in the Kenmore. I just don't know.
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