I'm confused because I'm seeing some people say you want to size up for Iron, but simultaneously I'm seeing the concern that too big of a softener doesn't give you frequent enough regeneration.
Well water specs I know:
Do I need to get more tests done or should I just move forward with one of the sizes mentioned above? Thank you.
Well water specs I know:
- 360 gallons usage per day
- TDS from well water is 175ppm
- Iron is visible in the water (Ferric), but I don't know the PPM yet. All my neighbors say our iron is high.
- Hardness is tested at 15 grains by an AquaX Total Hardness titration test
- PH 7.2
- North Central Florida
Do I need to get more tests done or should I just move forward with one of the sizes mentioned above? Thank you.