hi all - we discovered a leak in our shower stall. It left some staining on the ceiling below. Shower stall done about 15 years ago. After some investigation, it was determined it was likely the shower pan. Our tile guy just ripped open most of the first row of wall tiles and the shower stall curb. Behind the tiles is dry wall! That’s it. No waterproofing or cement board. Dry wall practically crumbled on touch. Also, insulation in the walls. We haven’t used the shower in 3-4 weeks and there is still some moisture. In the meantime, we ordered a custom size tile redi shower pan. The original Plan was to install that with tile over it - only removing the floor, curb, and first row of tiles. However, due to the recent discovery, looking for advice. Do we take down all of the tiles in the entire shower stall and gut down to studs? Can we get away with just the first row or two of wall tiles? Should we assume nothing is waterproofed in entire shower stall wall and gut/redo? What about the floor tiles right outside the shower stall? Some photos below.
Oh, also, bleach was sprayed/poured for now. Was concerned about mold.
Oh, also, bleach was sprayed/poured for now. Was concerned about mold.