Cost of new gas boiler for 6000sq ft home

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New York
Hello! Apologies in advance if my question is too vague or non-specific! I have shell-shock over here because I just got a quote for a new gas boiler and am completely blown away by how much our quote was. Here are the facts:

- current gas boiler is from 1989; I'm guessing about 80% efficiency
- we want to upgrade to high efficiency (95% or higher)
- our home is 6000 sq. feet even
- we have 7 zones, I'm told, but when we bought the house it said 6...not sure where this mystery zone is but let's just assume it is real
- forced hot water baseboard heat throughout home

I'm looking to upgrade because I figure a higher efficiency boiler will save us a bundle given how large our home is. But when I check the internets, it seems like the cost should be $10-12k. BUT, I got a quote today for a wall-hanging IBC (95%) boiler for nearly $18k before rebates and a stand-alone Burnham (85%) for nearly $16k.

I'm not going to nickel and dime the price difference between the two boilers because we definitely want higher efficiency for more savings over the years; however, these numbers seem crazy high to me given our area averages, which seem to be $6-10k. I wanted to check with you pros on here to see if this sounded crazy to you, or if I just need to wake up and face the fact that our large amount of square footage = a whole different ball game of expenses!

Side note: our current stand-alone Burnham from 1989 works ok for NOW...we bought the house four months ago and just had to replace the thermocouple. It was an easy fix, as you know--my husband and I did it ourselves--but it freaked us out and we're concerned it's so old and inefficient that it'd be more economical to replace now, when it's not an emergency.

THANK you in advance for reading all of this, and for any advice/info you can share!