Kent Frutiger Kent Frutiger has put together three nice web sites. The favorite of the plumbers is PlumbNet.com, the Interactive Plumbing Network Here we find a plumbing column by Bob Allen, a freewheeling plumbing discussion forum, links to plumbing resources, and information on plumbing and home construction PlumbNet is populated by plumbers, plumbing engineers, plumbing designers, architects, interior designers, and homeowners sharing information and resources for new construction, remodeling, renovation, and restoration.. Kent & Jan Frutiger had a store in Portland Oregon called A-Ball Plumbing Supply. Their web site contains faucets, fixtures and accessories. It’s like a big online catalog. For people that like to have something to read in front of the TV set and do their home remodel planning, they will send their catalog. If you are looking for unusual, magnificent reproductions of classic fixtures and faucetry from bygone times, this is the place. Kent’s third web site is called oldhouse.com, The Interactive Oldhouse Network. Kent is a member of the Historic Preservation League of Oregon (HPLO) and purveyor of period (and modern) plumbing fixtures. |
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