More like you have no firm ground against anything i said.
Sammy, your market is local and I doubt you will pick up much local business from your posts here in a DIYer forum but, you may lose business because of your posts here based on what and how you say it.
I have been a DIYer since I was a kid in the 1950s. I am all for DIYers and have been selling to them from early 1992 thru 1994 on Sunday at a huge regional flea market! in central PA ($50K of sales in the 1st 6 months, and untold good will value for only $20 a day), and since 2002 thru email until Sept 2003 when my dinky web site went live (up to $250K a yr).
Selling to DIYers as nothing but a voice on the phone is difficult and not everyone selling the same stuff can do it. It takes a lot of desire, patience and know how from the DIYer customers' point of view. Which many of them have little to no experience in installing but... they have the desire and only need some confidence that they can learn how. Look at you, you big dummy, even you learned how to solder and install a submersible pump at some point, right? Did you learn by taking tests or actually doing the wrench turning? I seem to be very good at teaching those that want to learn.
You are against DIYers doing pump work or anything to do with a well and their own softener or other water treatment equipment installations, or hiring a plumber to do it I suppose. BTW, you do know that I don't sell pumps or tanks or CSVs right? Would you feel better if I did, I mean the bad economy and local dealers are taking business away from me, ya know?
If my customer doesn't want to install their water treatment equipment themselves plumbers do it gladly. The customer does the programming etc.. I've never heard of a customer that couldn't hire a plumber, yet you go on as if that isn't true, do you know how that makes you look?
You call me unprofessional and yet continue to expect me to be "PROFESSIONAL" DUH! and you want me to help you protect your local water treatment dealer/driller businesses for you. I suggest you learn who and how to market your LOCAL services to.
You live and work in your local market and you travel through it daily and advertise in it, I don't. And you worry about me selling something to someone in it while all I can do is type on my keyboard while you bad mouth me!! The vast majority of people in your local area want you to do everything for them. A very very few want to do it themselves; fergit'em and get on with your life and reduce your stress levels so you can live longer. And quit coming on with this self proclaimed righteousness about protecting local businesses from the Internet and big box stores as if that's possible, it isn't so quit banging your head and get over it.
I couldn't care less if you have all the licenses and Certifications money can buy, and guess what,
my prospective DIY customer (IN YOUR LOCAL AREA) doesn't care either, they simply don't want to do business with a local dealer and until a few more months go by, the present government will probably allow them that right.
If your business isn't doing as well as you want or need it to, figure out what mistakes you are making and what you need to do to correct them and what to do that your competition is not doing and is good for the customer and go do it.
Personally I think you need to learn how to get people to buy from you. That's different than learning how to sell them something. That would be much better for you than using your licenses and Certifications as crutches while you mistakenly think they will bring you business. IMO, they'll possibly bring you a bit of business but not enough to recover your time and expenses. Word of mouth in your local area based on your abilities to solve your prospective customers' problems as simply and as affordably as possible is what you should be concerned about; and if you do that, business will boom.