The WX1 i am not too familiar with and wasn't mentioned durring the plant tour (a little strange), but i believe it is a computer controlled valve that is similar to a CSV that limits the flow of water in the tank. The size tank is determined by the discharge of the pump. If you know the model of the pump in the well, the depth that its set at, along with the volume of water the well produces, then the discharge volume of the pump can be determined. Or you could measure the flowrate off the tank using a 5 gallon bucket. Simply time how long it takes to fill the bucket, take that number, divide it into 60, then multiply that number by 5, and you have your flow rate. The pump needs a minimum of one minute of run time from start to stop. So if you have a pump that is discharging 10 gpm, you will need a tank with a minimum capacity of 10 gallons. A CSV valve limits the volume of water down to 1 gallon per minute once the system reaches a certain psi. Because of that you can go with a smaller sized holding tank. Valveman, can give you more information on those valves. Maybe you can order it and have the well company install it.
Calling a water well company is a good move!
I finally found the company that drilled my well.
I contacted them about replacing the tank.
They also suggested the WX-203, based on what I have currently.
But they also said that if I had the room (for about $100) more I could do the WX-250. Which I guess is a bigger tank, which would then require the pump to cycle less often.
WX-203 is a 32 gallon tank.
WX-250 is a 44 gallon tank.
FYI....The pump is a submersible pump. Goulds 1/2HP. The model number on the switch in the basement is tough to read....but it looks like: 75H05
Installed October 1993.
According to my well completion report:
Well Depth: 245 feet
At 245 feet: 5 gallons per minute
So, if I understand correctly, I can put in a bigger tank, as long as I have the space.....
that seems like a good idea, since we have plans to add a full bath to our house in the future. Currently, only have one bathroom in our ranch.
Sound right?
By the way, the quotes from my well driller were:
includes all parts (tank, pressure switch, pressure relief valve, gauges)
Sammy --
you mentioned the WX-205.........since I am considering a larger (more gallons) tank, is a there a larger tank comparable to the WX-205?