Thoughts on Mini Split for This Above Garage Apartment?

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This is not the most proportion correct drawing on earth, but the longer walls (left and right) are 2' longer, I think 24 or 25' I can't remember which. I forgot the measurements exactly when I drew this on a break at work and posting here. I've had a few estimates. The space has a "semi-vaulted ceiling" meaning the roof's collar ties will be the central flat ceiling and those are at about 10'. The rest of the ceiling is at a 30* angle coming down from there to 5' tall side walls (long side). There is an open stairwell as pictured that leads outside and this will be a studio (no separate bedroom). The bathroom is the only "room".

The estimates I'm getting are basically sorta kinda "one of each possible option" so I'm confused.
#1 = 18k mini split on side with larger window (top of drawing) next to bathroom mounted central, above window
#2 = 18k mini split on side with stair well mounted above stairwell
#3 = Another 18k but a dual zone with heads in the two aformentioned locations

I'm in the Atlanta area but this garage is under tree shade all morning and to about 2pm-ish. It doesn't get all that much hotter than the garage below upstairs in it's current unfinished form. It will be insulated with R15 in the walls and R30 in the vaulted ceilings and at least R38 above the collar ties as there's significantly more space to fill there. The R30 insulation is actually going to be a special order of 4.5" rigid rated for that costing me $2600... arg. The garage's ceiling will be insulated with R38 or more -- the joists are engineered I-joists and I think 16" so I can put a lot in there if I have to. I might spray foam it to create a vapor barrier, but that is REALLY expensive and I'm only trying to create a guest quarters and "on site" home office situation.

I'm not in love with the head being next to the bathroom, as I feel like the conditioned air would bypass the kitchen because of the enclosed space wall blocking off the spread of air. But that's the ideal side because that's where I'd prefer the compressor to be (that side is basically "the back of the garage and not visible from the house" in my case.

The two zone idea is interesting, but I'd like to avoid it as the cost due to a really long line set will kill me.

Just want some opinions here... I mean this space might be 525 sq feet but I still was under the impression a 12k BTU was more appropriate.
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