Shallow well round 3

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Northwest Fl
We have a 12ft deep well that we washed down with galvanized pipe and mud pan/ trash pump with a 3 1/2 inch cutting head. That well has gone nearly dry and we have tinkered enough to call it quits and try again(we assumed it would go dry due to shallow depth but had such gr8 flow (6 gpm) and no foul smells, for 6 months and now shes shot :(

We spoke to an old neighbor (former well pro) and he said the wells for neighboring farms nearest our home were all submersible pumps between 135and 175 foot deep [5 different farms nearby that he installed] he also mentioned a 70 foot deep well in his front yard that nearly FLOWS on it's own for over 20 years! What I've deduced from this and hydro/topo water maps, is that we are right on the point of FL where we are either 60 feet to 200feet deep to GREAT WATER SUPPLY and according to some maps we found our homestead is literally splitting that boundary line!


We washed and cut our way down in a new hole down to 11 feet and hit a hardpan and slowly cut through it! Everytime we do, (3different attempts) it drains our 250gallon mudtank down (like we are in water? Or maybe just an old cavity that used to hold water???? So we pull up washing pipes and quickly drop down 2inch pvc 5ftscreen point and 2inch pipe and tie it to a pump. It runs and pumps a heavy flow of muddy water about 2 minutes then dry :( we have primed and reprinted and waited and primed numerous times with no luck. My thought is, since I cant jet my way past this point without losing all my water/drilling mud, maybe I can drive a 4 inch. Sleeve/casing to stop the draining of my tank (and fine sandy silt cave ins on top of my drilling head) that we keep experiencing??? Could I maybe beat/jet down the 4inch pvc sleeve till I hit the next hardpan and hopefully it will hold up the WALLS of shaft at least till I get into free standing system. In theory we keep our washing drilling pipe inside of the 4 inch pvc "sleeve" and continue drilling deeper till we hit good water, but stopping the pvc sleeve at that first hardpan where I keep losing my drillers mud/water?

Any help greatly appreciated and feel free to ask any questions if I left out any details?


Cary Austin
Staff member
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Lubbock, Texas
Loss of circulation or drilling fluid is a problem. There is probably a void down there that can take all the water you pour down. Drillers use all kinds of stuff to try and plug off down hole when they lose circulation. When a drill bit drops easily for a certain distance the void can be like a cave or something that you can never fill with fluid. Ask a local driller as I am sure they have experienced this problem before.