I'm currently located in Virginia. I'm at my uncle's house and any time someone goes to use the kitchen sink, the left sink gurgles. Water drains fine. I can see the bubble. Even if I am sitting nearby and the sink hasn't been used, it will gulg every now and then.
I have already removed both p traps and nothing clogged. There is water in both p traps after draining. The dishwasher isn't being used and hasn't been used in a long time.
I already used Glug drain opener in the left sink only. No change
I filled the sink with water and let it drain, it drains fine and then glugs at the end and I can see the bubble via sink drain opening.
The showers, sinks and toilet upstairs drain fine and no gurgle. There is a bathroom and sink downstairs but they have AAV installed as it was put in recently. So it's not tied into the house vent stack.
I haven't snaked anything yet.
My uncle replaced the garburator a few years ago. The entire family cannot tell me if this happened before the garburator replacement or after. Everyone except me has ignored it. I was told that this didn't happen before.
The thing I noticed is that there are two p traps and merges together. I'm not sure if in VA two p traps are needed. I feel like I can get a new dishwasher kit and redo the plumbing and only have 1 p trap. However, I'm not 100% sure If that will fix the problem or not.
Does anyone have recommendations so I don't lose my sanity?
- eliminate 1 p trap?
- snake drain?
- snake roof vent?
- anything else?
Attached are pictures of the sink drain, kitchen and roof vents.
I'm currently located in Virginia. I'm at my uncle's house and any time someone goes to use the kitchen sink, the left sink gurgles. Water drains fine. I can see the bubble. Even if I am sitting nearby and the sink hasn't been used, it will gulg every now and then.
I have already removed both p traps and nothing clogged. There is water in both p traps after draining. The dishwasher isn't being used and hasn't been used in a long time.
I already used Glug drain opener in the left sink only. No change
I filled the sink with water and let it drain, it drains fine and then glugs at the end and I can see the bubble via sink drain opening.
The showers, sinks and toilet upstairs drain fine and no gurgle. There is a bathroom and sink downstairs but they have AAV installed as it was put in recently. So it's not tied into the house vent stack.
I haven't snaked anything yet.
My uncle replaced the garburator a few years ago. The entire family cannot tell me if this happened before the garburator replacement or after. Everyone except me has ignored it. I was told that this didn't happen before.
The thing I noticed is that there are two p traps and merges together. I'm not sure if in VA two p traps are needed. I feel like I can get a new dishwasher kit and redo the plumbing and only have 1 p trap. However, I'm not 100% sure If that will fix the problem or not.
Does anyone have recommendations so I don't lose my sanity?
- eliminate 1 p trap?
- snake drain?
- snake roof vent?
- anything else?
Attached are pictures of the sink drain, kitchen and roof vents.