What Valveman is saying is, the pump must be capable of delivering a higher margin of pressure than the CSV is configured to deliver.
For example, on a system equipped with a 30/50 psi pressure switch, a CSV will be usually calibrated to deliver 40 psi consistently.
To ensure 50 psi will be reliably achieved to shut off the pump, even when the water level within the well has dropped lower than usual, thereby making it more difficult for the pump to achieve it's usual maximum pressure, it's best to utilize a pump that is capable of even higher pressure such as 53-60 psi or greater for a system with a 30/50 pressure switch, and a CSV calibrated to deliver 40 psi.
For you to utilize a CSV calibrated to deliver 50 psi, your pump would need to be capable of 63 to 70 psi deadhead pressure. Since you previously stated your pump could only achieve 51 psi, implying it was deadheading at 52 psi, there would be insufficient margin to utilize a 50 psi CSV, but, you may be able to utilize a CSV that is calibrated to deliver 38 or maybe 40 psi consistently.