Katalox filter questions

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Ann Arbor

I bought a house a few years ago with a katalox AIO filter installed for iron and hydrogen sulfide removal and have a few questions about maintenance. I have a WS1 valve on a 10x54 tank with 1 cu ft Katalox set to 15 minutes of backwash and 30 minutes air draw down. Iron 1.6ppm. Well pump pressure 40-60psi.

1) Immediately after backwash switches to air draw, I see bubbles in the clear drain line, suggesting that air is leaving the drain line early on in the air draw cycle. Is this normal? Based on the WS1 valve flow diagrams I would think this would indicate a leak or shunt somewhere and that air should only leave the drain line after all water has been evacuated from the tank, near the end of the air draw cycle.

2) The air bubble at the top of my tank after each regeneration cycle is only about 6.5 inches below the top of the tank and only lasts 2 days (sometimes less). Is this normal? How do I get the air bubble to last longer?

3) I saw somewhere on this forum that a device exists which holds the distributor tube down when the head is removed. Such a device would be helpful for when I remove the head periodically for a cleaning. Has anyone found a commercially available device or adapter which can be purchased?