There's a lone blue wire upstairs where the thermostat is that is unused; the other four wires are used. Downstairs, at the furnace, there are three blue wires. I've labeled 'em for you. I have no idea which blue wire is the wire that's going upstairs. I'm assuming it is wire 1, because the insulated bundle of wires that wire 1 is in are all going to terminals, so that makes me think those are all the wires going upstairs to the thermostat. It could be wire 2, but for some reason I feel like it's not because it appears there are three unused wires in that bundle. I dont think its wire 3 since that one goes into a wire nut, but I don't know. I just can't make heads or tails of this. Is there any possible way to figure out which wire is the one I need to connect to the C terminal? Here are a bunch of other assorted pics of the furnace in case it helps. THANK YOU SO MUCH!