I think having two separate systems is better than sharing an outdoor compressor. If one breaks down you could be weeks away from relief. Especially with heat pump stuff. I think most people would rather have two systems as long as they are both effeciant you should be using the same amount of energy.
I like the "duel fuel" heat pump/furnace idea.
You said you had a fireplace but also would tear out your chimney? Are these two separate structures?
Among the many bullet-point-questions I'm compiling, this will be another:
Q: If a problem arises in the HP (loss of charge, say), will the inside unit(s) continue to work on furnace-mode/gas/propane, despite [being above] the change-over °F set-point?
Thanks for bringing this up.
Same structure, and the two systems share the same chimney. But no "easy" way to tie ducts together, except removing the chimney and using it's footprint, but then we'd still want that smaller space on a separate zone anyway due to infrequent use. So... at least this is a way to save on new HP equipment purchase, leverage the heat pump's multi-zone capabilites, shared BTU capacity, and existing duct work, without a major redesign of ducts. Water heater is also propane, and fairly new, and uses this same chimney... I'm trying to upgrade a bit at a time so i don't have to lay out lots $$$ all at one time.