I recently removed some inset shelves from the wall in order to mount a plasma TV. The problem is that I've got cables that I need to conceal, and I'm looking for ideas for a clean way to do it. Normally, I'd just drill into the drywall and run it through the hollow space and have it come back out down below behind the media furniture piece shown in the last pic. In this case, the wall is actually brick. In the first pic, all yellowish painted surfaces are brick covered with a little plaster. So far, the best idea I came up with is to use one of those cable concealers that are about two inches wide... that you mount on the surface of the wall. This would butt up flush against the center lower edge of the wood trim on the bottom of the shelving frame. I'd caulk the edges of and paint over the plastic concealer piece which would be not perfect but OK... but the problem would still be the wires hanging over the ledge in the front. At that point, I'm thinking about drilling straight up into the wood ... or perhaps making a big notch in it that can hold the cables.. then I'd fill in the wood and refinish it. I'd still see an inch of cables in the back... which I could cover with a small piece of the plastic concealer. This seems like a big P-I-T-A. Any thoughts or ideas?