Fleck 5600 SXT Settings - Detailed Questions

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Livingston, New Jersey
C (capacity) - How does the capacity change the Fleck 5600 SXT settings? I read that I should make this 30 even though I have a 40k capacity (2.0 cubic ft) tank. I'm just curious to know exactly what does changes to this setting exactly do.

BD (brine draw) - I had this set at 60, but I notice that most of the brine is drawn out of the tank pretty quickly. So the rest of the remaining time, the resin is being rinsed with water, correct? What is the purpose of this? Why not just set the brine draw to the number of minutes it takes to draw all the brine out of the tank?

RR (rapid rinse) - What are the disadvantages of just setting this to 0? By setting to 0, the tank isn't rinsed with tap water after the brine draw. As a result, the water of the faucet will be a bit salty for a small time. But wouldn't it be advantageous that the brine water just sits in the resin tank, which helps replace more of the NA with the calcium on the resin beads?


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Ontario, Canada
I read that I should make this 30 even though I have a 40k capacity (2.0 cubic ft) tank
The usual total softening capacity for Cation softening resin is typically 32,000 grains per cubic foot (ft3), so a total 40K grains softening capacity will signify 1.25 ft3 of resin, not 2 ft3 of resin (=64K total grains capacity).

As regeneration of all 32K Total Capacity in 1 ft3 resin will require 20 lbs salt, to regenerate all 40K capacity in 1.25 ft3 will then require 25 lbs salt each cycle. Regenerating the resin's total capacity each cycle, in addition to being impractical, would be highly wasteful and inefficient at only 1,600 grains per lb efficiency.

Increasing salt efficiency is achieved by programming less capacity to be depleted before regeneration is to occur while using the correct amount of salt needed to regenerate that amount of depleted capacity. Unfortunately, higher salt efficiency requires some compromise as the amount of hardness leakage will eventually increase through the resin bed, thereby resulting in somewhat lower quality soft water supplied to home fixtures and appliances.

By programming regeneration to occur when 30K grains capacity is depleted for 1.25 ft3 resin, only 10 lbs salt each cycle will be needed, thereby increasing the maximum potential salt efficiency to 3,000 grains per lb. These settings will provide the best balance of salt efficiency, water quality, and useable capacity.

As each gallon of water entering the brine tank will dissolve 3 lbs salt, to program the appropriate Brine Fill setting minutes, will require knowing which BLFC (brine line flow control) restrictor is installed. The BLFC flow rate is usually specified on a label located on the side of the control valve, close to the brine line connection.

BD (brine draw) - I had this set at 60, but I notice that most of the brine is drawn out of the tank pretty quickly. So the rest of the remaining time, the resin is being rinsed with water, correct? What is the purpose of this?
The 'Brine Draw' or 'Draw' setting, actually controls two cycles, Brine Draw and Slow Rinse.

The full amount of salt brine from within in the brine tank, should be typically transferred to the resin tank during the initial ~15-minutes of a 60-minute Brine Draw cycle (=~25% of the Brine Draw setting). The remaining ~45-minutes Slow Rinse, will slowly push the brine through the remaining resin bed, and will also rinse away the calcium & magnesium ions that are released from the resin, while also rinsing away excess sodium remaining from the salt brine.

When the Brine Draw setting is too short, then the softened water supplied to fixtures directly following each regeneration cycle, will typically taste quite salty.

For most residential sized softeners utilizing efficient settings, a 60-minute BD setting is usually appropriate.

RR (rapid rinse) - What are the disadvantages of just setting this to 0?
The Rapid Rinse cycle is not intended to rinse salt or calcium/magnesium from the resin bed, but it's purpose is to recompact the resin bed prior to restoring Service flow to fixtures.

During the Backwash cycle, the resin bed was lifted and expanded to not only eliminate any physical debris that entered from the water supply, but also to recirculate the resin within the tank (reclassify), and also expand the spaces between resin granules, thereby permitting the granules more complete contact with the brine during the BD cycle.

Recompacting the resin bed will reduce the spaces between granules, thereby reducing the amount of hardness leakage potential to initially pass through the resin bed.

Often the RR cycle is programmed for 10-minutes duration, but 5-6 minutes is often sufficient.

Since service flow to fixtures is downward through the resin bed, the resin will eventually become recompacted, so many softeners did not previously utilize a RR cycle. The RR setting is not critical, but I would suggest programming RR for 5 -minutes duration, which should reduce the potential for hardness leakage directly following each regen cycle when hardness leakage is otherwise most likely to occur.

I anticipate your resin tank's diameter is 10", so the Backwash and Rapid Rinse flow rate should be 2.4 GPM, as controlled by the DLFC (drain line flow control) restrictor that is installed, which should also be indicated on a label on the side of the control valve. The Slow Rinse and Brine Draw flow rate will be substantially lower as that is controlled by which injector is installed. The injector color should also be specified on a label in the side of the control valve.
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Reaction score
Livingston, New Jersey
Thanks for all the expert info. Really appreciate it.

As the usual total softening for Cation softening resin is typically 32,000 grains per cubic foot (ft3), so a total 40K grains softening capacity will signify 1.25 ft3 of resin, not 2 ft3 (=64K grains) of resin.
Sorry, I know most people describe it this way. I read from several sources that tanks are generally undersized because installers traditionally recommended a smaller tank in order to win bids. I read stuff like the below link that suggests using a smaller capacity per cubic feet in order to increase salt efficiency. In other words, you should buy bigger tanks. It may increase initial costs but you'll more than make up for it by saving in more salt costs in the long term.

Regardless of the above fact, I guess the Fleck controls uses the method you use to describe capacity. I have a 2.0 cubic ft tank.

Increasing salt efficiency is achieved by programming less capacity to be depleted before regeneration is to occur while using the correct amount of salt needed to regenerate that amount of depleted capacity. Unfortunately, higher salt capacity requires some compromise as a greater amount of hardness leakage will eventually increase through the resin bed, thereby resulting in lower quality soft water supplied to home fixtures and appliances.
I don't think I understood this part. Wouldn't programming less capacity lead to the water softener regenerating at shorter intervals and you end up using more salt?

With more capacity, the intervals are longer as well as the actual regeneration time? You end up using less salt but you risk hardness leakage? Is that right?

So are you saying for a 2.0 cubic ft tank, a C setting of 40 is best in order to avoid hardness leakage? But, if I want to increase salt efficiency (but risk hardness leakage), I should use a C setting of 64?

The full amount of salt brine from within in the brine tank, should be typically transferred to the resin tank during the initial ~15-minutes of the Brine Draw cycle (=~25% of the Brine Draw setting). The remaining ~45- minutes Slow Rinse, will slowly push the brine through the remaining resin bed, and will also rinse away the calcium & magnesium ions that are released from the resin, while also rinsing away excess sodium remaining from the salt brine.
I didn't know that one of the purposes of the brine draw was to remove the sodium. Good to know. I thought that was the purpose of the rapid rinse.

What do you think about just leaving the brine to remain in the tank for few hours (or even overnight) to increase salt efficiency? Wouldn't maximizing the time of contact between the brine and the resin increase the amount of sodium ions replacing the cacium ions? Or does replacement occur pretty instantaneously?

Recompacting the resin bed will reduce the spaces between granules, thereby reducing the amount of hardness leakage initially passing through the resin bed.

Often the RR cycle is programmed for 10-minutes duration, but 5-6 minutes is often sufficient.
Good info to know. I'll keep the RR to 5 minutes. Thanks!


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C (capacity) - How does the capacity change the Fleck 5600 SXT settings? I read that I should make this 30 even though I have a 40k capacity (2.0 cubic ft) tank. I'm just curious to know exactly what does changes to this setting exactly do.
"48K" would often be used to describe 2 cuft of resin, altho that number should never be actually used in a calculation. The tank with 2 cuft is usually 12x52 inches. If your tank is smaller than that, say so.

BD (brine draw) - I had this set at 60, but I notice that most of the brine is drawn out of the tank pretty quickly. So the rest of the remaining time, the resin is being rinsed with water, correct? What is the purpose of this? Why not just set the brine draw to the number of minutes it takes to draw all the brine out of the tank?

If the brine is drawn out in less than 10 minutes, you should probably look into changing injectors. The usual target of 15 minutes of draw in a 60 minute BD cycle gives plenty of slow rinse. Slow rinse passes brine and water through in a controlled way, so that the last part of the brine passes slowly through the resin, and gets utilized. After that, the slow rinse gets rid of the remainder of the spent brine with laminar (non-turbulent) flow.

1. How many people use the softened water?
2. What is your water hardness?
3. Well water or city, and if well, how much iron?
4. What injector do you have?-- look for a label to that effect.


Well-Known Member
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Ontario, Canada
I have a 2.0 cubic ft tank.
By this, I interpret you mean your softener contains 2.0 ft3 of resin. A 2ft3 softener will typically utilize a 12" diameter X 52" tall resin tank.

Wouldn't programming less capacity lead to the water softener regenerating at shorter intervals and you end up using more salt?
No. Salt efficiency does not increase linearly with regard to the capacity setting decrease.

As shown in the chart below, salt efficiency maybe substantially increased by programming a lower Capacity setting than the total resin capacity, which will cause regeneration to occur somewhat more frequently, but will require significantly less salt for regeneration each cycle.

As inefficient settings result in higher amounts of sodium needing to be removed by water treatment facilities, or being discharged to the environment, some regions have considered out-lawing softener installations or have placed restrictions on softener use unless efficient settings are utilized.

In addition, since some resin granules will be smaller than desired and some will wear or become fractured over ongoing regeneration cycles, resin granule fragments will be commonly eliminated to drain, resulting in some reduction in capacity, and so the resin's full initial Capacity should not be programmed.

In addition, hardness removal is not instantaneous so hard water will need to have sufficient contact time with the resin for optimal ion exchange to occur (to remove calcium and magnesium ions, exchanging them with softer, sodium ions). If the resin's total capacity is programmed, there will be insufficient capacity remaining near when regeneration is to occur, to remove hardness whenever the water flow rate exceeds a trickle. Programming regeneration to occur before the resin's total capacity is depleted, will ensure there is sufficient capacity remaining to reduce hardness leakage when water is flowing at a reasonable rate, including directly up to the time each regeneration is to occur.

As stated previously, water treatment involves compromise, particularly in increasing salt efficiency.

While a more efficient salt and capacity setting will eventually result in somewhat higher hardness leakage through the resin bed, the 8 lb per ft3 of resin setting I recommended previously (and below), provides the best balance in salt efficiency, water quality, and useable capacity. These settings will result in only an eventual 6 ppm hardness leakage (see bottom of each salt setting column in the chart below). FYI, 1 grain per gallon hardness is equal to 17.1 ppm, so 6 ppm hardness leakage will b fairly insignificant for a residential application.

For 2 ft3 resin (64K total Capacity), the usual recommended Capacity setting will be 48,000 grains (ie: C=48), which will require 16 lbs salt (8 lbs/ft3) to achieve 3,000 gr/lb hardness reduction efficiency.

Assuming your softener is equipped with an 0.5 GPM BLFC flow restrictor, the Brine Fill setting should then be 10.6 minutes to cause 5.33 gallons water to enter the brine tank, resulting in 16 lbs salt to be dissolved. Because your 5600SXT likely does not support a fractional BF setting, round-up to 11 minutes to cause 16.5 lbs salt to be dissolved.

What do you think about just leaving the brine to remain in the tank for few hours (or even overnight) to increase salt efficiency?
While extending the brine contact time with the resin, will marginally increase the amount of ion exchange to occur, the amount is not significant enough to be concerned with. The usual method to extend the brine contact time is to use a lower flow rate injector than would be usually utilized, thereby extending the time to transfer the brine to the resin tank, while also reducing the Slow Rinse flow rate, thereby requiring a longer Brine Draw setting.

Most residential softeners are configured so the regeneration cycle when required, will start at about 2am, and will be completed in approx 90-minutes. In this manner, the entire regeneration cycle should be finished so the softener is back In-Service before soft water is normally needed.

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Reaction score
Livingston, New Jersey
By this, I interpret you mean your softener contains 2.0 ft3 of resin. A 2ft3 softener will typically utilize a 12" diameter X 52" tall resin tank.

No. Salt efficiency does not increase linearly with regard to the capacity setting decrease.

As shown in the chart below, salt efficiency maybe substantially increased by programming a lower Capacity setting than the total resin capacity, which will cause regeneration to occur somewhat more frequently, but will require significantly less salt for regeneration each cycle.

Although I understand the chart, in terms of chemistry, I don't understand why salt efficiency would increase when regeneration occurs more frequently. With a quicker regeneration, wouldn't fewer of the resin beads contain calcium? As a result, shouldn't it take relatively more salt to effect an exchange? On the other hand, if we wait to regenerate once most of the resin beads are filled with calcium ions, wouldn't it be easier for exchange to occur with the sodium?

So why does salt efficiency increase when regeneration occurs more frequently?

Assuming your softener is equipped with an 0.5 GPM BLFC flow restrictor, the Brine Fill setting should then be 10.6 minutes to cause 5.33 gallons water to enter the brine tank, resulting in 16 lbs salt to be dissolved. Because your 5600SXT likely does not support a fractional BF setting, round-up to 11 minutes to cause 16.5 lbs salt to be dissolved.
This is my water softener and some of my settings:

Resin Tank Size 2.0 cubic ft (12’’ x 52’’)
Capacity: 64k
Brine Fill Rate (BLFC) .5 GPM
Injector #2
Water Hardness: 27 GPG

C 42 Capacity (64k)
H 27 Hardness
SF 5 Safety Factor
DO 30 Day Override
BW 6 Backwash Time
BD 60 Brine Tank
RR 6 Rapid Rinse
BF 10 Brine Fill

I've noticed that I use quite a bit of salt so I was wondering what I could do to improve my salt efficiency. If I set the C up higher, I was wondering if this would increase salt efficiency although it would increase hardness leakage. But, according to your explanation, it would do the opposite.


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Ontario, Canada

So why does salt efficiency increase when regeneration occurs more frequently?
Frequency has nothing to do with efficiency.

Follow the chart.

Efficiency involves the appropriate amount of salt needed to regenerate a specific amount of hardness removal capacity in a specific volume of resin.

The subject is complex for a DIY forum, so a simplified explanation is below.

Your 2 ft3 resin has a total hardness removal capacity of 64,000 grains.

The recommended settings stated earlier, specified programming regeneration to occur when no more than 48,000 grains capacity is depleted. This then implies, 16,000 grains capacity will be remaining when regeneration occurs. Since the unused capacity will not require regeneration, only 16 lbs salt will be needed to regenerate the 48K grains that is depleted.
48,000 gr / 16 lbs = 3,000 gr/lb efficiency.

For a 42K grain Capacity setting, implies there will be 22K grains capacity remaining unused when regeneration is to occur. To regenerate the 42K grains that is depleted, will require only 12 lbs salt.
42,000 gr / 12 lbs = 3,500 gr/lb efficiency.
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Well-Known Member
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Ontario, Canada
I've noticed that I use quite a bit of salt so I was wondering what I could do to improve my salt efficiency.
Brine Fill Rate (BLFC) .5 GPM
C 42 Capacity (64k)
BF 10 Brine Fill
10-minutes Brine Fill X 0.5 GPM BLFC = 5 gallons water entering Brine tank, which will dissolve 15 lbs salt.
42K grains / 15 lbs = 2,800 gr/lb efficiency

As stated above and as specified in the chart, to regenerate 42K grains Capacity in 2ft3 resin, will require only 12 lbs salt (6 lbs/ft3)
42K grains / 12 lbs = 3,500 gr/lb efficiency

To dissolve 12 lbs salt, reduce the Brine Fill setting to 8-minutes.
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Reaction score
Livingston, New Jersey
Frequency has nothing to do with efficiency.

Follow the chart.

I understand that chart. (Or I think I do.) I was curious if you knew the explanation in terms of chemistry why salt efficiency increases when regeneration occurs more earlier/more frequently. It doesn't make sense to me in terms of chemistry. I wrote the chemical equation below. (I'm assuming you're pretty good at high school chemistry.)

Ca(HCO₃)₂ + 2Na⁺ ⇌ Ca₂⁺ + 2NaHCO₃. (HCO₃ = resin)

The equation describes when sodium is added. The equation moves to the right. Calcium is replaced with sodium to create NaHCO₃. At equilibrium, the resin is ready to move to the left once calcium becomes present in large amounts.

In resin with a capacity of 64k, say only 42k of its capacity is used up. If you add Na⁺, it moves the equation to the right. You would use less amount of total salt (relative to when 64k capacity is used up) to move the equation back to full 100% capacity.

However, say that 64k of the capacity is used up instead. When you add Na⁺, shouldn't salt efficiency increase since more Ca(HCO₃)₂ exists? At 0% capacity, it should take less amount of salt per mole to move the equation to the right since there is relatively more Ca(HCO₃)₂, no?

Or you can look at this way. If the resin is at 99% capacity, then it should take a lot of amount of salt relatively to get it back up to 100% capacity.

What is wrong with this reasoning?

I just thought of something else. To increase salt efficiency, why not double the amount of resin beads and then intentionally keep it 50% capacity? In other words, say you normally would have 2.0 cubic ft of resin. Instead, you purchase 4.0 cubic fit of resin with a bigger resin tank. Further, instead of fully regenerating the resin beads to 100% capacity, you intentionally keep the resin beads at 50% capacity. As a result, the salt efficiency should be higher than at 100% capacity, no?

Furthemore, since you have 4.0 cubic feet of resin, you wouldn't experience hardness leakage because 50% capacity of 4.0 cubic feet should equal 100% capacity of 2.0 cubic feet of resin.

Would this work?
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The less salt per cubic ft, the more salt efficient, but more hardness breakthrough.​
cubic ft resin
Alternative capacity (C) and brine fill (BF) pairs. Round C down.​
grains/pound of salt

I don't know that your plan would keep the leakage at a very low level. At less than 6 lb/cuft the leakage becomes considerable.
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Reaction score
Livingston, New Jersey
Hey, Reach,

In your linked chart, can you explain to me what the chart means? I cut and pasted the 1st line.


What starting condition is this chart based on? Is it based on when all the resin beads is completely filled with calcium?

So does the chart tells us what happens when we use a certain amount of salt?

For example, take the box where it takes 2 LB/ft3 for 10,000 grains. Does this mean that after using 2 lbs of salt, the resin can now convert 10,000 grains (not sure what grains means exactly but I'm guessing it has to do with the capacity to convert calcium to sodium in the tap water.)

As a result, in that 1st box, the salt efficiency 10,000 grains per 1 lb of salt. However, in the last box all the way to the right, the salt efficiency is 3,200 grains per 1 lb of salt. In other words, the 1st box is much more efficient. With 1 lb, it can convert 10,000 grains rather than only 3,200 grains.


Well-Known Member
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Ontario, Canada
I just thought of something else. To increase salt efficiency, why not substantially increase the amount of resin beads and then keep it less than fully regenerated?
It seems you do not understand the chart, as that is essentially what is shown.

The chart is based on starting off with he resin with 100% hardness removal capacity, as that is how resin is manufactured and supplied. As specified in my earlier comment, setting a lower useable capacity setting than the resin's total hardness removal capacity, will result in some amount of capacity remaining when each regeneration will occur. With greater amounts of capacity remaining, this is one reason less salt will be needed each cycle.

Why efficiency is improved and hardness leakage is increased in using a lower salt and Capacity setting, is much to with a lesser amount of brine produced which will not be sufficient to saturate all of the resin to the tank bottom. In downflow brining, the strongest brine will be transferred to the top of the resin tank where it will be pushed downward through the remaining resin by Slow Rinse flow. Not only will Slow Rinse dilute the brine, making the brine progressively weaker as it travels downward, but the sodium within the brine will also be progressively depleted while regenerating the depleted resin downward.

During the Backwash cycle, the most depleted resin from the top of the tank where hard water enters, will become reclassified throughout the entire tank including to the bottom, exactly where the brine strength will be weakest, and the least amount of regeneration ability, if any, will remain.

Any resin that is not regenerated, will have no ability to remove hardness, so with each level of higher salt efficiency, there will be a specific amount of un-regenerated resin remaining which will not be contributing to hardness removal, which is why there is an amount of hardness leakage expected for each salt setting.
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The chart is based on starting off with he resin at 100% hardness removal capacity, as that is how resin is manufactured and supplied.
I assume the chart assumes a dosing that continues for a while, vs predicting what the capacity will be at the end of the second regen.

My reasoning is that the chart is intended to let you know what you can set for programming going forward. I do not assume that the resin with an 8 lb/cuft regen continually will be brought to 100% after each regen.

I also do not consider regeneration of a resin bead to be an all or nothing thing.

https://wcponline.com/2024/02/01/total-dissolved-solids-limits-for-effective-softening/ has some more discussion, mainly for an adjustment for high TDS. But it has some other graphs that apply to other things. In setting up a softener, search for "high hardness compensation".
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Well-Known Member
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Ontario, Canada
take the box where it takes 2 LB/ft3 for 10,000 grains. Does this mean that after using 2 lbs of salt, the resin can now convert 10,000 grains (not sure what grains means exactly but I'm guessinion to occur when atrg it has to do with the capacity to convert calcium to sodium in the tap water.)
In your highlighted row from the chart, the 1 is indicating 1 cubic foot of resin (ft3). In using a salt setting of 2 lbs/ft3 (= 2 lbs for 1 ft3 resin), 10,000 grains useable capacity will be regenerated each cycle, so setting a C=10 Capacity setting, will cause regeneration to occur when the control valve calculates 10,000 grains capacity has-been depleted.

If you want a higher amount of useable capacity, if choosing a 6 lb/ft3 setting (6 lbs salt for 1ft3 resin), then C= 21 could be programmed which will cause regeneration to occur when 21,000 grains Capacity has been calculated as being depleted.

not sure what grains means exactly but I'm guessing it has to do with the capacity to convert calcium to sodium in the tap water.)
As stated previously, 1 grain per gallon (gpg) hardness equals 17.1 ppm (parts per million) hardness.

You earlier indicated that you programmed the softener for 27 gpg hardness. How did you measure to determine that amount? What is your water source, municipal or your own well?

For your 2ft3 softener using your current 42,000 grain Capacity setting, / 27 gpg hardness = an ability to supply 1,555 gallons soft water (less the 5% Safety Factor amount) during each regeneration cycle.
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Reaction score
Livingston, New Jersey
It seems you do not understand the chart, that that is exactly what is shown.

The chart is based on starting off with he resin at 100% hardness removal capacity, as that is how resin is manufactured and supplied.
Are you sure the chart is based on the resin at 100% removal capacity?

I don't want to be a victim of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, and claim something especially when I'm not an expert in this. But the chart doesn't make sense when you read it like that. It appears the chart is describing the amount of salt that's required to generate a given level of capacity given the resin is fully saturated with calcium.

So, in the line for 1.0 cubic ft of resin, 2 lbs of salt will lead to a capacity of 10,000 grains of hardness. 20 lbs of salt will lead to a capacity of 32,000 grains of hardness.

This leads to the following salt efficiency:

Capacity (grains)20,00034,00042,00048,00052,00060,00064,000
lbs of salt2468101520

So when you use only 2 lbs of salt, you have less capacity but your salt efficiency is really good because you're all the way to the left of the chemical equation.

Ca(HCO₃)₂ + 2Na⁺ ⇌ Ca₂⁺ + 2NaHCO₃

However, as you add more salt, the resin becomes more saturated and you're more to the right of the equation. Efficiency decreases. By the time you can achieve 64,000 grains of capacity, you end up using 20 lbs of salt with an efficiency of converting only 3,200 gains per lb.

I don't know if this explanation is correct, but it seems to make sense.

In your highlighted row from the chart, the 1 is indicating 1 cubic foot of resin (ft3). In using a salt setting of 2 lbs/ft3 (= 2 lbs for 1 ft3 resin), 10,000 grains useable capacity will be regenerated each cycle, so setting a C=10 Capacity setting, will cause regeneration to occur when the control valve calculates 10,000 grains capacity has-been depleted.

Again, I don't want to be a victim of Dunning-Kruger, so tell me if I'm wrong. I don't think C stands for how much grains of capacity is being depleted before regeneration starts. C stands for the capacity of the water softener. They are similar concepts but slightly different. The controller will calculate when regeneration needs to start for a water softener with a capacity of 10,000. That's almost the same thing except that 10,000 capacity for 1 cubic ft of resin is different than 10,000 capacity of 2 cubic ft of resin. In other words, regeneration will start when 10,000 grains of hardness has been used up given there is only 1.0 cubic ft of resin. So regeneration will occur even more frequently than expected because the controller thinks the resin amount is significantly smaller.

You said that salt efficiency increases when the C setting is lowered. Is this something that's been determined empirically with research studies? Are industry professionals 100% certain about this?


Well-Known Member
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Ontario, Canada
Are you sure the chart is based on the resin at 100% removal capacity?
Resin is produced with the total capacity to remove 32,000 grains of hardness per cubic foot. Resin does not require 'regeneration' prior to first use as no capacity has yet been depleted.

By the time you can achieve 64,000 grains of capacity, you end up using 20 lbs of salt with an efficiency of converting only 3,200 gains per lb.

1 ft3 resin has a total hardness removal capacity of 32,000 grains.
32,000 gr / 20 lbs = 1,600 gr per lb.

2 ft2 resin has a total hardness removal capacity of 64,000 grains. To regenerate 64,000 gr capacity in 2 ft2 resin would require 40 lbs salt (= 20 lbs per ft3), thereby also resulting in salt efficiency of 1,600 gr/lb. (64,000 gr / 40 lbs)

I don't think C stands for how much grains of capacity is being depleted before regeneration starts. C stands for the capacity of the water softener.
The Capacity setting is not to equal the resin's total capacity, but is to equal the amount of usable capacity to be regenerated, which is governed by the amount of salt that is to be dissolved to create brine. The capacity setting should not exceed the amount of capacity that the salt quantity will regenerate.

If 100% of 1 ft3 resin's capacity becomes depleted, regeneration with a lesser amount of salt than 20 lbs is not going to regenerate all 32K of capacity.

except that 10,000 capacity for 1 cubic ft of resin is different than 10,000 capacity of 2 cubic ft of resin. In other words, regeneration will start when 10,000 grains of hardness has been used up given there is only 1.0 cubic ft of resin. So regeneration will occur even more frequently than expected because the controller thinks the resin amount is significantly smaller.
The controller is basically a calculator that only knows the data that was programmed. When the controller is equipped with a flow meter to measure the quantity of soft water supplied to fixtures since the last regenerate cycle, as your SXT controller is equipped with, it will utilize the meter data, capacity and hardness settings to determine when regeneration is needed.

If programmed to regenerate when 10,000 grains Capacity has been depleted, based on 27 gpg hardness, it will initiate regeneration when approx 370 gallons (10,000 C / 27 gpg) soft water has exited the softener (less the safety factor or reserve amount), regardless if the softener is equipped with 1 ft3, 2 ft3 or 10 ft3 of resin.

Even in using a meter to measure the amount of soft water delivered, the meter setting must be correct as each of the two different types of flow meters suitable for a 5600SXT, measure water flow very differently.

If the data programmed is inaccurate, the softener will not perform correctly.

For instance, if 10 gpm hardness is programmed, but if hardness is actually 30 gpg, then the programmed capacity will become depleted 3X faster than the controller will calculate. As the controller will be counting down 10 grains capacity depletion for each gallon exiting the softener, not only will the programmed capacity be consumed more rapidly than calculated, but also the additional capacity beyond the Capacity that is programmed for regeneration will also become depleted. The water exiting the softener will then become hard prior to when each regeneration is calculated to occur, and hardness leakage will be higher after regeneration since the additional capacity that is normally not depleted, will remain depleted.

You said that salt efficiency increases when the C setting is lowered. Is this something that's been determined empirically with research studies? Are industry professionals 100% certain about this?

The chart is not mine, but that chart was produced by by a leading water treatment professional based on resin manufacturer data, and that chart or similar, is commonly utilized in the industry.
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Reaction score
Livingston, New Jersey

The chart is not mine, but that chart was produced by by a leading water treatment professional based on resin manufacturer data, and that chart or similar, is commonly utilized in the industry.

I'm not saying the chart is wrong. I'm saying that are you may be reading it incorrectly.

Can you provide your background in this field? You seem very knowledgeable but are you an academic or professional? I geniunely believe you're misinterpeting that chart (although I'm really not certain). You're right that I miscalculates the salt efficiencies by mixing up the variables between the 1 and 2 cubic ft resin, but it's really not that important in terms of my point. My point is that salt efficiency increases at lower capacity on that chart because the chart is illustrating how much salt would be required to achieve 100% capacity if the resin was fully saturated with calcium. Again, I'm not sure but the chart makes no sense otherwise.

You also asserted that if the C setting to a lower capacity, it would increase salt efficiency. Which research study states this? Can you provide a link? I searched online and I can't find anything that suggests this. I can't see how the salt efficiency is increased with the C setting is lowered. If you're regenerating more frequently and using the only a slightly smaller amount of salt during the brine draw, then salt efficiency must go down. Even if you decrease the amount of brine fill, the time between regenerations must be more than proportionally shorter, no?

Did you base your belief (that salt efficiency goes up when the C setting is lowered) on the chart? If so, the C in the chart is different than the C setting in the controls.


Reaction score
Livingston, New Jersey
Interpret the chart data any way you want.

I'm done!

I'm sorry if I offended you. I'm not trying to be argumentative. I'm just trying to figure this stuff out. I genuinely don't see how salt inefficiency would increase if you lower the capacity setting since regeneration occurs more frequently. Further, since the length of brine draw doesn't decrease significantly, salt usage per grain has to go up. I can't see how it's possible otherwise.

Do you have any source that states that salt efficiency increases when the capacity setting is lowered?

The only way to increase salt efficiency, you would have to also decrease the legnth of brine draw by more than the proportional increase in regeneration frequency. For example, if you change the capacity setting so regenerations occur from every 3 to 2 weeks (1/3 decrease), you'll need to decrease the time of brine draw from 15 to substantially less than 10 minutes. Say 6 minutes. Does this make sense or am I wrong?
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