New Member
The cast iron flange on my 4" toilet drain needed to be replaced. (I rather not say why). I removed all of the packing around the outside of the pipe, which in hind sight, I may not have needed to do. I purchased an Otey cast iron screw in flange. I lubed the threads, was I saw on some videos, and inserted it into the pipe. Started screwing and, after screwing in a few turns, got too hard to screw any more. I removed it and started over multiple times, with no success. Finally, i pounded it with a rubber mallet thinking the result would be the same as screwing it. Big mistake. A 2"wide part of the iron pipe broke off to a depth of about 4". A clean break. Just one piece, no fragments. What can I do, besides call a plumber? Here are some thoughts I had. A) Since I can put the piece back in, I can apply pressure from the outside, and it stays on perfectly. I thought if I filled the void around the pipe with cement, let it dry, then clean the inside of the pipe, apply a layer of epoxy, let it dry, then put in a different type of flange. B) insert some kind of liner 6"-8" long into the pipe and fill the void around the outside of the pipe with something. All I could find online was repair to a much deeper break or crack. Can you please advise me? I would say i have above average mechanical skills.