Booster pump question

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So, a while back, this group helped me with a submersible/cistern pump solution to a home I bought with existing line through a water easement. The guidance worked great, but I was having water leakage issues with the cistern tank and water line. I converted the cistern to a pumphouse and installed a booster pump, but still have water line issues from the pumphouse to the meter (there is a small pressure leak in the line)....with neighbors not wanting me to dig their yard even though it is on a legal easement. I am going to relocate the meter to my drive entrance which is part of my idea why it was not installed that way in the first place. Yes, a pricy solution, but I get full control and won't have to deal with unpleasant neighbors....and the current meter is a pretty good drive going down the road.....

So here are the facts:

TAP is 3/4 inch with 90 PSI at meter and around 50 gpm, verified by the water company yesterday. Length of water line in total is 2,500 ft. Elevation is 189 feet. I want to harvest the booster in the converted cistern which is a Goulds 1HP 10GPM (10GB10). I plan to use HDPE, either 1.5 inch the whole way or 1.5 to the booster and 1.25 from there to the house. I will have to add both water line and power. Frost line here is about 18 inches.

I originally thought to put the pump at about where the meter provides around 50 psi, roughly half way. Where it is currently operating, the suction is about 56PSI after about a 700 foot run in 1 inch PVC. It then is connected to the booster (at the old cistern) that pushed the water another 700 feet (1 inch PVC) (total run is 1,400 feet in 1 inch PVC) and about a 100 foot elevation (from the booster/ elevation from existing meter is 158 feet). I am using a CSV1A with 40/60 switch and 40 gallon tank, it has a backpressure of about 138 PSI and can do 60 PSI through the CSV all day long. CSV1A and pressure tank located at house in crawl space.

If I locate the relocated booster at about the same elevation with either 1.5 or 1.25 HDPE....will I get the same performance? Main concern is the expected back pressure at the house with the longer line run (adding 1,000 feet and a little more elevation).....which I think is offset by lower friction loss using the larger pipe. My current plan is to run the line from the meter to about 1,500 feet, then connecting the booster and running the last 1,000. At that location, with 1.5 pipe, I should be getting about 45 PSI (40 if I use 1.25 pipe)...and have about a 90 foot elevation still to go up to the house.

What would be the backpressure if I install like this? Would it be the same as I already get (138 PSI)?
