Basement bathroom install questions

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nola mike

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Richmond, VA
I've been on the 8 year plan for finishing my basement. But THIS is the year I actually do it. As part of it, I'm going to be putting in a bathroom. The house is 100+ ;years old, so who knows what's going on. However, I have floor drains, and presumably a cast pipe going down the center of the house. There's a vent stack and a soil stack toward the area of the new BR than run horizontally above grade, tying into another soil stack (I'm not sure if this one continues to the roof or not), which then goes into the ground and I assume runs to the main waste line. The pic is hopefully clear. (Blue lines are what I think are underground, red is what I can see).
So how should I plumb the drain and vent lines? I should mention that the north wall is a common wall, so can't go that way to vent. Also everything is brick/plaster, so anything interior above the basement would be...challenging. Getting out the west wall would be easy, but not sure what then.
Thanks, I'll have more questions about the design as I go...
