Exactly how do you clean that screen on the bottom of the water heater sitting in that code required pan anyway?
Remember now I am a home owner and not a plumber...
Enlighten me please!
Or I'll wisely choose to buy the superior design that probably will never need cleaning...
We'll just have to let the Darwin was right run its course...
Um, in my area there is no code for a pans (per the city codes).BONG.
Then again in MA, I have NEVER see the internal screen (not a filter per say) need to be cleaned.
What will a pan do in a CT basement that will do nothing..Pan to where? A sump?
Next is the manual, if they can read, tells you what to do and even has a website and a phone #....Gee, are you in E. Hartford. If so, just call someone since the prior will not apply..LOL
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