not draining

  1. R

    Venting Issues

    Looking for advice to help guide what help I need to resolve. I have what I think is a venting problem with my home. Every few weeks my kitchen sink will backup and not drain correctly. If I run the disposal, it pushes all the water into the other side of the side-by-side kitchen sink. I...
  2. Julie89

    Double Sink water backing up

    Hello, new user here. So I moved into this new place a few months back and everything was fine until a few weeks ago when my kitchen double sink started to back up. I removed the trap and the pipes to see if there was a clog but nothing. I tried the old baking soda and vinegar hack but...
  3. adulting

    Push button sink drain stuck closed

    I have a push button bathroom sink drain that is stuck down. (way down, about 1/4" below the outer ring) I can not get it to release, and can not get it to unscrew while depressed. The drain and sink are only about 4 months old. Is there a way to fix this? Or do I need to replace the whole...
  4. MadelineD

    Double Kitchen Sink. Rt Side without Garbage Disposal never drains

    Installation gone wrong. Right-side sink has never drained properly. Does it need to have a straight pipe down to the p-trap, or should I move the Garbage Disposal. to the right, or maybe put a T into the garbage disposal to share with the Dishwasher?
  5. hotwaterless

    Bradford White Defender Water Heater Issue

    Glad I came across this forum. So here is my story and I hope someone can shed some light on what to do next. I live in Huntington Beach California. I had a slab leak and had the house re-piped in August 2018. I used a plumber who used a third party piping company to do the work. This isn't...
  6. Allieboo49

    Washer doesn't drain. What a nightmare...

    Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum and I'm having a plumbing nightmare. I just bought this mobile home about 6 months ago. Recently someone pointed out to me that the washer was draining underneath the house. I didn't notice because I barely ever go on that side of the house where the water was...
Hey, wait a minute.

This is awkward, but...

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