
  1. Nate714

    Dishwasher drain not close to sink or disposal, is this okay? (Images)

    I haven't actually connected anything yet, as I'm not sure if its a good idea. I am going off how the old dishwasher drain was installed. The drain starts with the loop on the side of the dishwasher, then through the hole in the floor, then has a large loop, after that the drain goes into a...
  2. rej0829

    Dishwasher draining problem!

    New to the forum and looking for help and advice! Thanks in advance When running my dishwasher, it would often and most times leave water behind in the bottom. It would take hours if not a whole day for that few inches of water to go away. I proceeded to examine and found that my drain pipe...
  3. calecian

    Permanently Install Countertop Dishwasher

    I have a Danby (Model No. DDWD611WLED) countertop dishwasher with no hoses, and I have a dedicated water hook-up and drain for a washing machine in my kitchen. I would like to use the dedicated water hook-up to install the countertop dishwasher (a grounded (GFI) outlet is also nearby). I...
  4. Friolator

    Braided dishwasher drain line

    Does such a thing exist? I'm talking about a drain hose that's wrapped in metal like a supply line. A few years ago we had a mouse that chewed through the drain line that came with our Jenn-Air dishwasher, and you can imagine the mess when the ceiling in our rental unit downstairs got ruined...
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