dirty well water

  1. W

    Dirty cistern options

    Hi all, New to wells in general and I'm looking for any recommendations you may have. Basically, I have a low yield well that feeds into a 1700 gal cistern, which is then pumped into my house to a well pressure tank, and finally through a sediment filter . Now, there is a significant amount...
  2. Brittmoney91

    Is my well going dry?? Help

    Ok so my husband and I were attempting to fill a pool (about 6000 gallons) we have been filling it slowly on and off over the last week and are at about 5000 gallons in. Yesterday we changed the whole house filter because the water pressure in the house was slowing down. Then started filling...
  3. Michael

    New Well, Dirty water, but everything seems opposite/backwards?

    Hi there I would first like to say thank you for taking the time out of your day to read and hopefully help me out, I have been reading ALOT of posts about New wells and dirty water, & to run and KEEP running the water for weeks, etc.. etc... to get the well developed/ clean water, But my...
  4. Jean

    Sand in water

    We have a well and have had no issues. This year anytime we turn the irrigation on for the garden, the inside water turns dirty and sandy. Why would it do this?
  5. Koby2270

    Brown well water and well depth question

    I'm looking for some advice to improve my well water. Last week our water stopped flowing. After some troubleshooting I figured out that our submersible pump was not working. I bought a new pump from Lowe's. It's a Zoeller 1/2 hp. Probably not the wisest decision but it fit the budget and was...
  6. matthewh

    Clarifying Questions on Clarifying Water and more

    So, I did it myself! I pulled the submersible pump at my cabin (a 220v 1/2 hp Franklin that was sitting on the bottom of the well and completely encased in a clay sediment, it was a bear to get out), cleaned the clay pack from the well screens and reinstalled the pump 20 feet above its previous...
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