Well Water Treatment - Looking For Suggestions

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Hello, am looking to get my water softener replaced and prior to doing that, got my water tested. The results are below.

We are a family of 3, 4 bedroom house, 2.5 baths, well water, 3/4" copper piping throughout house. If I had to guess on water usage, maybe 60 gallons/day per individual.

What recommendation would you have on the appropriate size of water softener? Looking to get a Fleck 5600 or 5800. Any suggestions on reputable online dealers?

With Arsenic having tested above the recommended limit of .010 PPM, what would be some treatment options so that we could drink the water and use it for cooking? Don't think I need a whole-house option for treating the Arsenic, but am open to suggestions.

Total Coliform has been detected. I will be sanitizing the well in the next few weeks now that the weather is starting to get nicer. Would that be sufficient enough to deal with the Coliform or would another treatment option, such as a whole-house UV filter, be needed?

Arsenic: 0.018 PPM (Arsenate: 0.01 PPM, Arsenite: 0.008 PPM)
Total Coliform: Tested, Detected
E.Coli: Tested, Not Detected
Conductivity: 592.4 uhmo/cm
Sodium: 56.48 PPM
Iron: 0.41 PPM
Magnesium: 21.6 PPM
PH: 7.92
Strontium: 1.1 PPM
Fluoride: 1.55 PPM
Silica: 10.48 PPM
Alkalinity: 190 PPM
Total Dissolved Solids: 355.4 PPM
Calcium: 28.43 PPM
Boron: 0.37 PPM
Potassium: 1.92 PPM
Sulfate: 112.45 PPM
Turbidity: 1.78 NTU
Manganese: 0.01 PPM
Barium: 0.02 PPM
Chloride: 5.95 PPM
Color: 1 CU
Lithium: 0.01 PPM
Molybdenum: 0.05 PPM

Thanks in advance for the help!



Water systems designer, R&D
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Ontario California
Arsenic should be taken seriously, while it is not considered to be easily absorbed through the skin, it still can be. Long hot baths with children may not be the best idea. You are correct about doing a complete well and plumbing sanitizing, then retest for bacteria in the near future. A iron reduction system may be beneficial but is it worth the cost? There are some unique combo systems available that might work ideally in your application since you have a slightly higher pH which is typically beneficial to iron reduction systems. I will send you a PM about some more ideas.


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With Arsenic having tested above the recommended limit of .010 PPM, what would be some treatment options so that we could drink the water and use it for cooking? Don't think I need a whole-house option for treating the Arsenic, but am open to suggestions.
When you use a backwashing filter that is treating iron, it often also takes the arsenic out.

I would be thinking of Katalox Light, if my pump can handle a strong backwash, but I would take steps to get a "softener" valve with a solution tank instead of a brine tank. The purpose is to run a bleach or peroxide solution through during regeneration. For KL in a 10 gallon tank, I would be looking for maybe an 8 or 9 gpm backwash at my water temperature. Most providers of KL systems don't use a regeneration solution.

My backwashing iron+H2S system works that way. It uses Centaur carbon with a 10 inch tank backwashed at 5 gpm. Works for me, and the unexpected bonus was to drop my arsenic from 0.006 to less than the test sensitivity. Every 33 days, I put a bottle of bleach into my 15 gallon solution tank, and top up with soft water.

https://terrylove.com/forums/index....izing-extra-attention-to-4-inch-casing.65845/ is my deep well sanitizing writeup.

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