No Hot Water After Freeze

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Hello - 6 month old water heater (new construction). We had a 3 day freeze (didnt get above 24F), and now we have no hot water. My meter is dead and so I was shooting in the dark last night. Drained and replaced bottom heating element as seems a common issue with well water/sediment on new well, and had a replacement element on hand. Thought we would have hot water this am and still completely cold. I turned the water heater breaker off when the freeze happened and all house lines were frozen.

Will get new meter today but still somewhat novice at water heaters. What could it be? top element? thermostats (x2)? Not sure if its better to call a plumber in the interest of time and getting it working while I'm at work today, or replace top element and possibly both thermostats tonight and HOPE it works after that.

When I turn either thermostat up to 150 Max, I never hear anything kick on indicating heating. Never hear heating start at all. Reset button not tripped, breaker never tripped. All necessary wires have power going to the thermostats and elements. Tank refilled as it should, never dry fired.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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