New Member
Our water softener system is about 6 years old, it's had some ups and downs, but it was running very smoothly for awhile. Recently our water started to smell and I knew something was off with our water softener. I found a large chunk of salt at the bottom of our brine tank, so I cleaned that out and put in some fresh salt. It's going through the Regen cycle right now as I type this so I'm hoping that was the issue and I've solved it. So now I would LOVE to expand my knowledge and I hope someone here can help me!
I've searched high and low for these answers that I feel may be basic, but I can't seem to find answers. So if you take the time to help me, thank you so much in advance!
Some info I feel might be helpful:
Location: Florida
4 people using water in our home
We have a private well and septic
Our system is about 6 years old
My first question is: why does our home have 2 resin tanks? One is a clack 9x48 and the other is clack 10x54.
My theory is that one is helping filter out iron because that is high in our area?
Is there a way I can find out what type of resin is in each tank?
My second question is, when setting the time for Regen cycle on each of these is it correct that I need to Regen them at separate times?
Third question I can't quite figure out, but the brine tank is only connected to the shorter resin tank. Is the taller one still able to get brine? I had run the taller one through its Regen cycle and didn't really notice the water level change on the brine tank. When running the shorter one there was a clear change in the water level.
This picture is for the back of the cover. We had a hurricane and it knocked everything down and these covers fell off, so Im not sure what one this went to. But it does have some info on the back.
Thanks in advance!
I've searched high and low for these answers that I feel may be basic, but I can't seem to find answers. So if you take the time to help me, thank you so much in advance!
Some info I feel might be helpful:
Location: Florida
4 people using water in our home
We have a private well and septic
Our system is about 6 years old
My first question is: why does our home have 2 resin tanks? One is a clack 9x48 and the other is clack 10x54.
My theory is that one is helping filter out iron because that is high in our area?
Is there a way I can find out what type of resin is in each tank?
My second question is, when setting the time for Regen cycle on each of these is it correct that I need to Regen them at separate times?
Third question I can't quite figure out, but the brine tank is only connected to the shorter resin tank. Is the taller one still able to get brine? I had run the taller one through its Regen cycle and didn't really notice the water level change on the brine tank. When running the shorter one there was a clear change in the water level.
This picture is for the back of the cover. We had a hurricane and it knocked everything down and these covers fell off, so Im not sure what one this went to. But it does have some info on the back.
Thanks in advance!