We recently installed a new 10' Air Injection over media filter to deal with our iron problem (2 PPM) (7.0 PH), water tasted fine, no odors or other issues, just that every 2-3 days my wife has to clean our toilet bowls from brown/orangish staining. When they first installed it, it worked for about a week then stopped removing any iron, water is back to the way it was before and we noticed that after the regen cycle there is nearly no air pocket, just a small bit at the top where the shoulder radius is.
Our water guy came back and changed out the "flow buttons" air check value. Still no luck, it was still losing it's air pocket. No leaks anywhere noted. Water guy came back Friday and replaced the whole head unit with a new one, no joy same issue. When it's going thru it's regen cycle we have good flow (6..5 gal a min I think he said), during the air draw stage we have a large air pocket all the way down the the media level, even toward the end it burps air to the drain line. Then the rinse stage and once it goes back to service, you can tap the tank and all the air is gone??
Shallow well of 30-35 feet, when we built the house we had sand draw issues that required them to install a flow restrictor down to 2.5 gal min which was to low to feed the house.,
This required an garage install storage tank of 1000 gallons, that has a pressure pump that goes to the pressure tank, then into the iron filter, then a 10" spin on Carbon filter and then into the house.
Water coming straight from the well is very clear, then after it sets for 20-30 min it changes color as the iron oxidizes. Doesn't seem to be any Tannins as there is no color at all coming out from the well.
Clack WS1 value with Katalox light
I think the setting are below.
15 min backwash
40 min air draw
11 min rinse ( he said he always uses the same setting, question? do you need a rinse cycle on katalox, cause that seems to be where it's losing the air.
Water guy is not going to be happy Monday when I call him again, any idea's?
Another option, he said he ran a test with a o'zone generator and it removed the iron, but since the tank is in the garage it would need to be vented, I really would prefer for this katalox setup to work and it's simpler, plus less work for him to do.
Our water guy came back and changed out the "flow buttons" air check value. Still no luck, it was still losing it's air pocket. No leaks anywhere noted. Water guy came back Friday and replaced the whole head unit with a new one, no joy same issue. When it's going thru it's regen cycle we have good flow (6..5 gal a min I think he said), during the air draw stage we have a large air pocket all the way down the the media level, even toward the end it burps air to the drain line. Then the rinse stage and once it goes back to service, you can tap the tank and all the air is gone??
Shallow well of 30-35 feet, when we built the house we had sand draw issues that required them to install a flow restrictor down to 2.5 gal min which was to low to feed the house.,
This required an garage install storage tank of 1000 gallons, that has a pressure pump that goes to the pressure tank, then into the iron filter, then a 10" spin on Carbon filter and then into the house.
Water coming straight from the well is very clear, then after it sets for 20-30 min it changes color as the iron oxidizes. Doesn't seem to be any Tannins as there is no color at all coming out from the well.
Clack WS1 value with Katalox light
I think the setting are below.
15 min backwash
40 min air draw
11 min rinse ( he said he always uses the same setting, question? do you need a rinse cycle on katalox, cause that seems to be where it's losing the air.
Water guy is not going to be happy Monday when I call him again, any idea's?
Another option, he said he ran a test with a o'zone generator and it removed the iron, but since the tank is in the garage it would need to be vented, I really would prefer for this katalox setup to work and it's simpler, plus less work for him to do.