When I looked into the possibility of a tankless system and not getting outside air for the burner, the installation manual specifically gave a minimum sized room that is required to take inside air.
I totally agree that by trying to use indoor air to feed those two significant burners is not a good idea unless you have a whole house energy recovery system that is sized with this in mine. Throw in bathroom exhaust fans, range hoods, a gas stove or dryer, if present, etc., and you're throwing a huge amount of conditioned air out.
FWIW, it looks like the gas line feeding them may be undersized, but that's hard to discern for sure not knowing the distances and actual pressure or pipe sizes installed. The gas meter must be sized correctly as must the supply line to it.
It looks to me like 1-1/4" iron up to the tee to the right-most tankless, with a short run of 3/4" to the one on the left:
A pair of 199K burners can still be served with up to 40 "equivalent feet" of 1-1/4" plumbing (counting the equivalent lengths of every tee, ell and valve along the path in that 40' total):