Mounting a Vertical Pressure Tank Horizontally.

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In the Trades
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Those guys at their $20.00 jobs don't have anywhere near the investment that we have in our businesses. They go in, punch a time clock put in their 8 hours and let the boss worry about the little things like payroll, taxes, insurance, fuel, equipment purchases and repairs. They know little to nothing about the real world economics of keeping the business doors open and regulations that have to be dealt with. Nor do they care as long as their paycheck is there on Friday.

What I think you fail to realize is the investment in time and money that we have made in our little mom n pop businesses. We have worked in every type of weather, nights, weekends, holidays, gotten up from the dinner table and spent countless hours on our continuing educations all so that we can stay in business, remain licensed and on call for our customers. I know for a fact that I have made the same investment and commitment to my business that my dentist and my kids orthodontist made in their practices and they work in an environmentally controlled offices, don't work nights and forget about weekends!

I can't speak for your particular part of the country, but I know pump & well service guys throughout Ct and we all have made huge financial investments in our service trucks, not only in the truck, but in the hoist and the inventory that we have on board, not too mention the employees that we rely on. Why? Because our customers demand prompt, efficient service. When we get to a job, the homeowner wants to know when the water will be back on, not hear excuses as to why we don't have that particular pump or control on hand and that we have to go to the shop or supply house for the parts.

I wonder, do you go into the local market and negotiate with the cashier or tell the guy who sells you gas for your car that he is a crook and that he doesn't deserve what he makes?

If I sound like I'm offended at the insinuation that we are crooks, I am, but I notice you keep coming back looking for our input. Must be we know something you don't.......

In closing, I respectfully submit that you're the one who has lost touch with reality.

Good day.
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P.E. (Professional Engineer)
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Those guys at their $20.00 jobs don't have anywhere near the investment that we have in our businesses. They go in, punch a time clock put in their 8 hours and let the boss worry about the little things like payroll, taxes, insurance, fuel, equipment purchases and repairs. They know little to nothing about the real world economics of keeping the business doors open and regulations that have to be dealt with. Nor do they care as long as their paycheck is there on Friday.

What I think you fail to realize is the investment in time and money that we have made in our little mom n pop businesses. We have worked in every type of weather, nights, weekends, holidays, gotten up from the dinner table and spent countless hours on our continuing educations all so that we can stay in business, remain licensed and on call for our customers. I know for a fact that I have made the same investment and commitment to my business that my dentist and my kids orthodontist made in their practices and they work in an environmentally controlled offices, don't work nights and forget about weekends!

I can't speak for your particular part of the country, but I know pump & well service guys throughout Ct and we all have made huge financial investments in our service trucks, not only in the truck, but in the hoist and the inventory that we have on board, not too mention the employees that we rely on. Why? Because our customers demand prompt, efficient service. When we get to a job, the homeowner wants to know when the water will be back on, not hear excuses as to why we don't have that particular pump or control on hand and that we have to go to the shop or supply house for the parts.

I wonder, do you go into the local market and negotiate with the cashier or tell the guy who sells you gas for your car that he is a crook and that he doesn't deserve what he makes?

If I sound like I'm offended at the insinuation that we are crooks, I am, but I notice you keep coming back looking for our input. Must be we know something you don't.......

In closing, I respectfully submit that you're the one who has lost touch with reality.

Good day.

CODB=cost of doing business.

Clients don't want to hear you complain about your overhead and justify your EXORBITANT rates.
Pay your rig off by diverting more toward capital investiture rather than blowing that FAT CT cash.

You guys, in this trade, do some mighty complaining. Work is hard-you don't have the monopoly on it bro.

You just think you do. What's the most exertion you put forth on a well with your automated gear..WOW.

You guys act like you are the hardest working trade out there and least compensated. I know how it is to drill wells in Central America with a DeepRock 300 and pay 2K/week for the privelege of bringing people water. Advice is free; give it without complaint. Phillipians it.

Like I said in an earlier thread, this GREED is in guys can't get that thought your head. 1000 bucks on one quote to swap a pump(I supply everything) and 800 on the other and the tank is already dug out.

When I was running our 175 employee Health Care biz turning 6 per cent Net Profit I was spending over 80K a week on payroll and never cried about it to my clients. When you can do that you have my ear.

CT is the richest State so I get the geographic diff. SC is one of the poorest. No CT pay in SC.

You "self annointed experts" are posting in a DIY forum...don't be sound so elitist. We drill wells with newbs
with zero experience in South Ameica and IT ISNT THAT DIFFICULT with our antiquiated rigs.

Here's a Canadian company...Add 15 percent for their VAT.

BTW...Every trade works hard...You guys need to get perspective and just answer the questions asked not complain about how tough it is. It it is too hard you can find other employ.

Jeez.....I thought roofing was the last refuge of contracting.......


In the Trades
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I'm not complaining in the least, I absolutely love what I do for a living. If I didn't need to save for my retirement, I would do this work for free. i wonder if you can say that about your $20.00 an hour job?

There is soooooo much more to this business than crimping three wires and screwing pipe together that it would take years to teach you all the little tricks and nuances that we know. But obviously you know that because you repeatedly come here for advice.

What I don't like is when some "engineer" gets online and starts to ask questions, expecting correct answers from competent, knowledgeable, professionals and then gets pissy when we defend a bill he gets a bill from a local guy who he is trying to "coach" with knowledge he gained here.

I'll let you in on a little secret, those guys don't want you to supply the materials and they are going to charge you to make up for the loss of revenue somehow. So either way your going to pay. Another little tidbit, if that Grundfos failed within 5 yrs after my installing it, you would have gotten it replaced at no charge.

I learned a little saying years ago when I was doing wells in California, "it's not how much trouble you get into, but how you get yourself out of trouble that counts". Remember that when you buy your Pull A Pump and go out to set the world on fire.

Nobody thinks about the water till the well runs dry
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P.E. (Professional Engineer)
Reaction score
You are a "slave to the grind".

I'm not complaining in the least, I absolutely love what I do for a living. If I didn't need to save for my retirement, I would do this work for free. i wonder if you can say that about your $20.00 an hour job?

There is soooooo much more to this business than crimping three wires and screwing pipe together that it would take years to teach you all the little tricks and nuances that we know. But obviously you know that because you repeatedly come here for advice.

What I don't like is when some "engineer" gets online and starts to ask questions, expecting correct answers from competent, knowledgeable, professionals and then gets pissy when we defend a bill he gets a bill from a local guy who he is trying to "coach" with knowledge he gained here.

I'll let you in on a little secret, those guys don't want you to supply the materials and they are going to charge you to make up for the loss of revenue somehow. So either way your going to pay. Another little tidbit, if that Grundfos failed within 5 yrs after my installing it, you would have gotten it replaced at no charge.

I learned a little saying years ago when I was doing wells in California, "it's not how much trouble you get into, but how you get yourself out of trouble that counts". Remember that when you buy your Pull A Pump and go out to set the world on fire.

Nobody thinks about the water till the well runs dry

"What I don't like is when some "engineer" gets online and starts to ask questions, expecting correct answers from competent, knowledgeable, professionals and then gets pissy when we defend a bill he gets a bill from a local guy who he is trying to "coach" with knowledge he gained here."

Dude.... want to make it personal with the "pissy" quote.

That's fine.

I made my mid 7 figures when i sold my Healthcare Company on 6/30/98 so I have not had the need to work since that date.

I do consulting engineering to keep myself up on Process Engineering and without this site, I can and will, design a better system than was originally installed.

I've gotten little info from this site save Valveman who is a virtual encyclopedia of practical and theoretical knowledge.

I have gotten a lot of sanctimony, criticism and chaff from guys such as TX Wellman, etc.

Thank God there is an indomitable spirit of self reliance and those who don't fall for the mantra of "call the professionals". You SAY you are a professional. That's your word. Here in SW SC; Well Professionals are two beers away from the drunk tank and if you find one with three teeth in his mouth you just hit the jackpot.

When you hit the 7 figure club at age 35 from hard work and knowing when to sell; this forum is just superfluous noise relating to posts such as yours.

Like I said; beyond Valveman-you don't have the theory to match your egos.

Enjoy your day at work; "pissy" is not a "slave to the grind" since 1998.

Good Day!


Reaction score
South Carolina
I really don't want to stick my nose where it doesn't belong and will probably get "blasted" for any comment I make, but I am at a loss as to why xlr8tion is getting so worked up. This is a free site where folks, whether professional or just knowledgeable, offer free information and advice to those of us who ask questions. It may not always be the best answer or the correct answer ......... for it is difficult to troubleshoot and/or determine the cause of some things with such limited information. I applaud those who do give their time and knowledge so freely!

And by the way, I too am in South Carolina. Everywhere in the US there's someone trying to make a fast and easy dollar. But, for the most part, I have found there are individuals in our communities who simply want to make a decent living, just as I do! I just recently had a 151 foot well dug and I was satisfied with the price. Sure, I wish it could have been cheaper or even free, but that isn't practical. I saw first-hand their equipment and the problems that can be encountered when drilling AND the hard work. The truth of the matter is, I wouldn't want to do. However, I can and will do many things myself and enjoy doing them ................. pull a pump, install an irrigation system, work on my automobile, paint the house, etc. However, there are those jobs where it isn't practical to do them myself because of expensive equipment and/or lack of knowledge ........ that's when I call upon our community professionals ............. and pay them for their services.

It's probably not worth mentioning, but I got two bids on the well that I had dug recently. One was for $2500 and the other was for $3050. I'm not crazy or foolish, but I took the one for $3050. I really didn't like the way the first well digger came across and I could only find one individual who knew of his work. The other well digger explained things very well and seemed to want to do things my way as long as it made sense ........ and explained why we shouldn't if it didn't make sense! I also found many individuals who knew of him OR had used his services and only found one person who was not completely satisfied (and you can't please everyone). I feel I made the correct choice ................ but then, I'm the only one who has to be convinced of that!


In the Trades
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Slave to the grind? Funny, I never thought that helping people when they had no water was being a slave. Who knew?
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Well Drilling/Service
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if i were a man of your convictions, and especially your means... i might hire the so called low lifes to do the work in hopes that i could make an impact (in a good way), and maybe even get the opportunity to lead them to Christ. how awesome would that be? wouldnt even have to travel for that one, they'd come to me. anyone with money can go to far away lands then pat themselves on the back here for "doing good in the name of Christ", ...but how does one act at home in their daily life?

so spout verses down your nose if you want to... but I doubt you read anything in your Bible this morning saying you should be judging or talking down about anyone, let alone those you dont know. so you made 5ish mil off a sell and whatever else, so what.. btw this is the net, even those that might believe you dont care. i sure dont, but i can tell u if i had that kinda money i wouldnt be fooling with a water pump for several weeks, much less battling it out online with strangers.

but what do i know, i'm just another one of these crooks.


In the Trades
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Virginia Beach, VA
I'm not advertising my continuing education classes here. Our classes are about drilling and pump installation and service. We can present our classes for 10 or more people in any area. Google me for more information.