locating drain pipe with IR camera - where to remove drywall to receive accurate plumbing estimate?

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I would like to install laundry fixtures in my master bedroom closet, which is adjacent to my bathroom. I've now had 2 plumbers give me written quotes, set a date in advance when they would start the work, and then back out at the last minute. Clearly what ever approach I am using is not working, so I decided that since a couple plumbers declined to give an estimate b/c of uncertainty about the location of the 3" drain pipe, then this time before I obtain an estimate, I would use an infrared camera to locate the drain pipe and then have a handyman remove sufficient drywall so the plumber can give a more accurate estimate and have a clear idea of how much work will be involved, which provides more certainty for him.

An energy auditor was scheduled to come yesterday, and I scheduled the demo with a handyman for tomorrow. Well, the auditor rescheduled at the last minute for tomorrow morning. This means I have 6 hours between 10 am EST and 4pm EST tomorrow to figure out based on the location of the drain pipe where to have the handyman remove drywall. I'm posting in advance b/c I was wondering if there was anyone who was willing to be PMed or e-mailed tomorrow morning to take a look at the pics and offer advice before 4pm. I'm happy to compensate for any advice someone may be willing to provide based on the pics.

I'd greatly appreciate your assistance and any other advice you may have about the recurrent problem I am having.

thanks! :)