How did this faucet head ever stay together?

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New York
Hi All,

The head on my faucet started to leak. It is an older Kohler Vinnata. I am ordering a new head but I am looking at the broken one and can't understand why it broke.

The attached image shows two parts 1) the metal housing and 2) the black plastic piece that fits inside.
The black plastic piece, in turn, will screw to the hose on the faucet.

When it started to leak bad (water shooting out the top) I unscrewed it and pulled the black piece out all the way.

The strange thing is that nothing appears to be physically broken. I can insert the plastic into the metal and it even snaps nicely into place (imagine if it were magnetic, it snaps in that cleanly with a little click)--although I can pull it apart again, and if it were attached to the faucet, the water pressure is much too powerful for it.

But still, it snaps nicely into place, and nothing visibly broken. So I can't understand how it ever stayed together. I wouldnt expect that it was ever glued. But since it fits so cleanly, what ever helped it to remain in place?

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Im not even looking to repair it (unless it can be, because the replacement head is over $150) but I just want to understand how this stayed together.

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New York
Those 2 parts should not separate. Thats why it is broken. The Vinnata faucet is a high end faucet and Kohler will send you a replacement at no charge. You will need to determine if the faucet is Vibrant Brushed Nickel or Stainless. or 1-800-456-4537

But I dont understand a couple of things. First, there is no break. Both mating pieces are perfectly smooth with no signs of anything broken. They are clearly two separate pieces, not originally one. The other thing is that, if they were one piece, then there would be no way to get it into the metal head. I guess the only answer is that they were, in fact glued/epoxied. It seem strange because not only do I see no evidence of glue, but there isnt all that much surface area to glue. Plus it seems like on odd location to not use a physical means of hold parts together (threaded or some other method). But anyway, I guess its the only answer.

Thanks for the info, I will call them tomorrow!


New Member
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New York
Those 2 parts should not separate. Thats why it is broken. The Vinnata faucet is a high end faucet and Kohler will send you a replacement at no charge. You will need to determine if the faucet is Vibrant Brushed Nickel or Stainless. or 1-800-456-4537

Thanks, they are sending me a replacement. I looked online and found replacements because I didnt know Kohler would replace for free. So you saved me $175. Thank you!!!!

But Im still wondering *why* these two parts came apart. Again, there is no sign of any adhesive, and no indication of a break (crack, rough, edge, etc) They snap together as a perfect fit... just without enough strength to withstand the water pressure.