Half Fast Handyman
Good evening I have an 8000 gallon above ground pool that I want to fill from my well. I want to use my well rather than trucking in water because a lot of wells in this area are polluted with PFAS. I have a whole house carbon system and my well water is free of PFAS. My well is 54 feet deep with a new submersible pump at 50 foot depth. In 20 odd years here I never ran out of water, even in drought years. I want to avoid stressing or burning out my new well pump. I plan to run the garden hose into the pool for one hour at a time, then turn the hose off for an hour to let the well recharge and the pump cool off. While the hose is running, I will sit on the pool deck and read. If the hose stops running, I will immediately turn off the breaker to save the well pump. I have read that well pumps burn out when run dry.
Thanks for reading this War and Peace sized post. Does this sound like a good plan? Would you do anything differently? Thanks in advance for any advice.
Thanks for reading this War and Peace sized post. Does this sound like a good plan? Would you do anything differently? Thanks in advance for any advice.