4 story condo. Built in 2005.
All the exhaust vents for WH and Furnace are CPVC and some are turning brown.
WH installer refused to hook up new one until the CPVC gets replaced.
It sounds like even PVC will be a no-no soon. 2 families are suing over CO deaths attributed to CPVC.
We have to RIP all of this out and replace every run with stainless steel!?
What would you do, if you were the property manager or condo President?
I know what I'm doing...selling NOW!
Anybody want to give an estimate to redo all the exhaust vents on a 4-story, 8 unit condo using steel?
All the exhaust vents for WH and Furnace are CPVC and some are turning brown.
WH installer refused to hook up new one until the CPVC gets replaced.
It sounds like even PVC will be a no-no soon. 2 families are suing over CO deaths attributed to CPVC.
We have to RIP all of this out and replace every run with stainless steel!?
What would you do, if you were the property manager or condo President?
I know what I'm doing...selling NOW!
Anybody want to give an estimate to redo all the exhaust vents on a 4-story, 8 unit condo using steel?